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Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Can you write?

Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 2


Kind of!!! I'm not the best smiley - sadface But i like to give things a go...LoL

Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

What does LoL meant to you?

Okay. Well, I don't mean Shakespeare 'write' or Huxley 'write'.
Just consisitent speleling and a bit of honest humour..
I'm recrueting writers, you see.

Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 4


LoL = Lots of Laughs smiley - biggrin

That sounds cool! I could do a bit of writing every now and then smiley - smiley

Tell me more smiley - aliensmile

Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 5

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Some of us miscreants have a little column in the H2G2 Post called AGG/GAG (whose acronymic definition can be best left to your imagination or you can wonder through the threads off the homepage to see what it used to mean) that celebrates the stranger elements and evidence of the people who infest the site.
We've been rummaging mostly through the older entries and peeking into the back rooms on people's personal spaces for strange and unusual and creative bits of writing.
I'd like to get away from looking at old stuff and begin encouraging people to crank out some new stuff, knowing that there is an audience.
The folks who wrote the old stuff did it in defiance of the rules of the Guide, knowing that their dirty linen probably would not get a proper airing. More power to them. A little individuality goes a long way.

Peer into your soul and see if there isn't an errant bit of silliness caroming through the corridors begging to get out.
Only rule is no plagiarism, please.

Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 6


Thanks for the info smiley - biggrin it sounds really cool!

I'm gonna look through some back issues of the post, to see what kind of things people are wrting about smiley - smiley

Jennie smiley - angel

Hmm....a fetus, huh?

Post 7

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

smiley - ok
smiley - sharksmiley - burger

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