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Variety is the spice of life

Post 1

the autist formerly known as flinch

In order to keep us out of a rut - i suggest we apply the following constraints: After we choose a book for the month the following two books may not be:

1. By an author of the same nationality.
2. Written in the same century.
3. Of the same class (ie literary class: Novel; Short Story; Play; Poetry; Philosopy; Biography; Other non-fiction).

And no two books by the same author within a year. And i'd like maybe at least one book in four by a woman.

I'd also suggest that we read nothing that's currently on the best sellers lists.

Variety is the spice of life

Post 2

a girl called Ben

Hey, let's not be speciest about this. How about one book a year written by another species?

There is a Stephen King one written by a dog. And the narrator of The Golden Ass is a donkey for at least part of the story.

But apart from the rampant specism, smiley - winkeye I agree with the Autist's suggestions.


Variety is the spice of life

Post 3

the autist formerly known as flinch

Sorry, but the speciesism was deliberate. I just couldn't bare having to read endless Martin Amis novels just on the grounds that he's a pig.

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