This is the Message Centre for Lady Scott

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 1

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - run
Well welcome to H2G2 I hope you have a good time looking around and adding your two pennies where you may.....Everybody is usually friendly and there is no shortage of different topics to discuss....I see that you adopted the paper lady...very nice lady she is too...(hopefully her hubby and her will be able to make the PA Meet)
Just smiley - runing by to say hi and to say:
Yes I partake in a bit of the crafts my self but mainly on really man-ly cross stitching (when I was growing up my mom and sisters thought it might improve my hand eye coordination there fore making my handwriting more failed miserably but I have a way to make unexpected artsy gifts for people and the whatnot) just sharing a bit
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 2

Lady Scott

But can you sew on a button in an emergency?

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 3

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

of course....that comes in handy

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 4

Lady Scott

Good for you!

and I'm glad to see that you don't think it too unmanly to take up needle and thread to do a repair or even to create a personal gift from time to time. Do you find it relaxing to do cross stitch? Or do you just do it because you can?

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 5

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I find it relaxing for the most part (until I set goals that I cannot seam to reach and I find myself rushing to get a gift ready by a certain time)...I put it the same category as reading a book really...In my family (me being the only guy) it was required that everyone learn all the traditionally gender specific jobs such as I know how to sew(including pattern reading, buying material and whatnot), cook, clean, a bit about child care, and so on and my Sisters know how to work on cars, build with wood, house maintenance, lawn maintenance and so on.....basically we did a bunch of Mom's little saying was she may not be a master at many things but she is a Jack at all trades

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 6

Lady Scott

Glad to hear you were taught all that. I had a dearly departed Amish friend who was in the process of teaching her young sons such "womens" work as washing the dishes before she died this past summer so that they would know what to do if necessary. Unusual? Oh, yeah, especially among amish... Did I support the idea? I thought it was absolutely wonderful!

BTW, I find it hilarious that you sign your posts ( smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny ) - we have a rabbit that is anything but cuddly... She is actually quite viscious, growls and lunges at us, not to mention the biting and scratching...*rarely* do we ever manage to pick her up.

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 7

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

hmmm well some friends of mine had a couple of smiley - bunnys when I was growing up and one was very friendly the other a lot less so. I actuly use the (smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny) to represent the term Snuggle Bunny which happens to be my first and so far only edited entry into the guide....I am sorry to hear about the passing of your friend but it seems her teaching and mindset were totaly justifiable...Did she know that something was wrong before hand or was her dession made without knowledge of her future situation...*do you ever find that sometimes finding the right words when writing someone is much more difficult then when talking to someone*
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 8

Lady Scott

It's ok, she'd had breast cancer for at least 5 years (but that didn't stop her from having 3 more children during that time). The Amish are often very suspicious of the medical community and seek out alternative care.... in this case, her alternative methods helped her continue on as normally as possible until just about 2 months before the end, whereas going with the standard treatments would have had her very sick much of that time, and unable to care for her family, something very important to an Amish woman. Perhaps one of the reasons she taught the boys to do household chores as well as the girls was that her husband's mother had died when he was a teen and he'd had to take over most of the cooking and much of the cleaning after that. It may have been difficult for him to learn to do all this without his mother's guidance..... so you could be right about her wanting to avoid that for her sons.

The first rabbit we had was a real sweetheart - he'd hop up on my lap to have his cheeks rubbed all the time. The next one was pretty stupid, the kind the expression dumb bunny was made made for. This one is a whole different ball game though, but she was a lot worse before we had her fixed! (I will *never* ever get another rabbit from the animal shelter, we strongly suspect this one was not cared for properly before being dropped off at the shelter.... *IF* we ever get another one, it will be a baby, so at least we can control how it's treated and so it will get used to being handled)

Um, I dont' know... usually when I talk to someone in person, it's easy to say stupid things and it's too late afterwards to reword it better, unlike this where you can just edit until you get it right.....

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 9

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Yes you can edit online but you cannot judge your words or take pauses in your writing to settle any problems or misunderstandings of a particular many of the things I say to people in real life I would have more problems saying here because it is often not what you say it's how you say it smiley - winkeye and all the other smiley-s help but they are not the same...oh and if you haven't noticed my spelling is quite if I am not careful or I am in a hurry it looks quite bad
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 10

Lady Scott

I never noticed that your spelling was bad.... but then you should see mine when I start to get tired...

Yeah, you're right about things being misunderstood and such because there's no expression on your face or inflection in your voice in the written word, but that really doesn't happen too often, as far as I've seen, as long as you try to choose your words carefully. The smiley's are cute..... wish they werent' such a pain for me to use, but I don't know what to do for most of them, so I seldom use them because everything on this site takes sooo long to load that I'd forget what in the world I was trying to say while I was waiting for the smiley page to load in (guess I could print it up and have a handy dandy reference?... oh, maybe some day....)

It escapes me how so many people at work during the day get a chance to go on this site and post from work... one high school kid was even posting from his school (I figured that out because he lives in this area, so I checked when he'd posted and what time it was.... he did admit to doing it on the sly in school though.... tsk, tsk!)

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 11

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Well some people's jobs have them at a computer for most of the day so it is not to hard to log on to this site and do a little posting. In the last 6 months the work flow has slowed here so I tend to have more free time then I used to have. When work comes in I go do it then go back to whatever I was doing. Kids at school often have computer classes or free time in the library and are able to sneak on from time to time...sometimes when they are sick or playing hooky they also log on so that might explain ther apearence....I took a computer class along with a few others at a tech school here in NYC and it was so slow because so many of the students had no idea how to use the computer so I would do my work then log on and play around for a little while waiting for others to catch up.

smiley - chick

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 12

Lady Scott

I guess I just never had the right kind of job.... most of the jobs I had were in retailing, you know, on your feet all day long... and that was back before computers were in any kind of common usage.

Of course the kids at school aren't *supposed* to be doing anything but research and school work on the school computers - the schools make them sign these "contracts" saying they won't be using the computers for other stuff (and make the parents sign a relaease just in case the kids stumble onto some unsavory sites by "accident")..... of course in the total scheme of things, h2g2 is relatively harmless I suppose, just using lot of time for this stuff that is supposed to be used for school related stuff. However one of my daughters told me that she went on h2g2 in her gifted class one time because her teacher wanted to see what it was... and yes, I know all about those sick days that suddenly dont' seem so sick once the bus has gone, so the kid spends most of the day on the computer, which I suppose is actually preferable to spending it in front of the tv, especially on a site like this one which has so much to offer, and most of it quite creative. (case in point: the last day or so on the "Thing" threads - of course that whole thing is pure escapist creativity anyway) Of course the particular case I was talking about, the kid was sneaking on here while supposedly doing research at school....

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 13

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

first of all I do cross stich I mostly designe patters for my mum who does evvrythin from cros stich to knitting.

the school thing this site actully got me top marks on a soceology pepaer smiley - biggrin
I wrote it all about the way a society growes I have been with this site not long after it started untill now with only one long breake after my sister died (not shure if Amy got round to telling you about that lady) so I wrote it on the subculturs and how Rupert and stricter "policing"affected the site.

the thing with office jobs is that hey ae so boring of corse people will do somthin better like this, the other thing is that the componeys if they would actully bother paying could get a engineat to supervise the network (I could do it but I have no formal trainign so it isnt that hard) wich can easally have windows showing about 40 screens at once and what ehy are looking at. then they can stopanthing not work related. you you have 200 computers you would only need 5 people with minemum training.

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 14

Lady Scott

oh, cool, do you really do cross stitch? Neat.... what kinds of things do you design? Do you have pictueres you could post somewhere? thought about trying to sell some of your designs?

I haven't done any in a long time, because I've got stacks of finished items that need to be framed or made into pillows or something....

I didn't mean it couldnt be used as a part of a school project, I was just wondering how they got away with posting from school since the teachers are supposed to keep them on task during classes...

and I know i'm terribly computer inept because I can barely keep track of 2 or 3 open windows.... more than 5 or 6 would have my head spinning.

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 15

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

anythin. my faveriout is a babby draggion comming out of an egg. all my stuff is done on the computer. but the hard drive was wiped when I went to israiel so I lost them.
I may have them prited out somwhere.
most of my designes arnt that much differant to other on the market so no one wants them. and any way I am not that good.

windows are easy to follow. any for that it would just be like waht sacuraty gurds waching vidio cameras do.

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 16

Lady Scott

maybe I have trouble keeping up with which windows are open because hubby has this thing set so the task bar disappears when you move the cursor away from it....

I thought at first that I hadn't designed any cross stitch at all, but now I remember designing a teddy bear - shaded and everything, way too many broken stitches in it though. (I hate doing cross stitch with all those broken stitches, need to keep a sharp needle handy to pierce the fibers) There may have been something else...... can't remember. Mostly I just did ready made patterns, or rearranged someone else's designs... or several other people's designs into another picture...

Did you draw your designs on the computer? and did you have a program to do this with? I just used graph paper... long drawn out tedious work. Enough to make a person crazy. Which explains why I'm the way I am.

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 17

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

mymum does that alot,usualy with butterflys smiley - smiley

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 18

Lady Scott

First Cross stitch project I ever did, I sorta half designed part of it, and then took clusters of roses from one pattern, butterflies from some freebie that the cross stitch store was giving away, and ribbons from some other pattern.....

Amazingly enough, it all worked out, turned out beautiful. However it was a ridiculously big project for my very first attempt at counted cross stitch.

Then there was the carousel horse that I did for Amy+ when she was....... can't remember how old, but I'd never done anything with broken stitches, but when I started to work on this pattern, I found out how bad they could be........ the entire thing seemed to be broken stitches!!! I was doing it over 2 threads on a plain weave fabric instead of an aida because of all the broken stitches, but that only made it worse because I couldn't keep track of which corner of the stitch I had done................ and to make matters even worse (as if they weren't bad enough already) the 600+ colors that DMC makes were not enough for this designer, no siree, this designer had to combine colors to make still more slightly different shades.......

Then, for some reason when I bought the fabric, I ended up buying too small of a piece and didn't have room to do the border, but that was actually ok, because it was also done in almost all broken stitches with the combined colors.

Sheesh, never again did I buy a pattern without looking carefully to see how it had to be done, and making sure I had a big enough piece of fabric before I started.........

Amy+ still has that thing on the wall in her room here, I think.....

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 19

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

smiley - smiley
sounds fun...anoying and fuidaly but fun smiley - tongueout
my mum just does any embridery now. you know the ones with the mixes. it anoyeng how easaly she does it all
I carnt do any of it I can only really make patterns.I have the imagination for it yo see. gess thats why I started writing srtoryies

Cross stitching and all that good stuff

Post 20

Lady Scott

I've done regular embroidery too, and crewel embroidery....... bargello needlepoint.... regular needlepoint...... designed needlepoint christmas ornaments (3-D)...... basket weaving........ oh, the projects I've done over the years.... Oh, the supplies I've amassed and never used up.

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