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Greetings from your Gem Polisher

Post 1


Hi RT smiley - smiley
Apologies for the unforgivable delay in getting to this, it's been a busy season. As you know your essay 'Sex in the Head' was picked from the Alternative Writing Workshop to be included with the Underguide, complete with a weekend stand on the Front Page. smiley - ok

I'm a Gem Polisher for the Underguide, and I'll tidy up your essay to bring it in line with the house style guidelines. Usually this doesn't entail any changes that you will notice, aside from the addition of the Underguide distinction. If I find anything significant to change I'll run it by you before finalising it.

I wanted to let you know also that I loved this piece. It is so well written, and addresses many things we all go through while feeling we're the only ones to ever do so. It reminded me of that time in my own life, and made me think of people and experiences I haven't thought of in years. I'm very glad I am able to Polish it for you.

If you have any questions or concerns about the process, or if there's anything you'd like to edit before it is finalised, just let me know smiley - ok. I'll post any updates here for you.


Greetings from your Gem Polisher

Post 2


The Polished version can be found here: A3437237
I corrected one typo: sync for synch; if it's a matter of style and you prefer it the other way I can switch it back no problem smiley - ok.

It occurred to me that you might enjoy the trilogy of books that I'm currently reading, Kushiel's Legacy by Jacqueline Carey. Kushiel's Dart, Kushiel's Chosen and Kushiel's Avatar. Very intricately written with a lovely courtesan heroine.

Greetings from your Gem Polisher

Post 3

Rising Tide

Hi broe

Thanks for your work on this one. I am glad you like it. It was an important entry for me to write.

I understand that there may be issues getting this one onto the front page, and it might be necessary to remove the section which reads "(These days I know I need context; the zipless **** seems to me to be rather a dull way to have sex)."

If we do, we do. Let's see what happens.

Thanks again, bro, and thanks for your kind words.


Greetings from your Gem Polisher

Post 4


Sorry for the excessive delay in replying to you; I had inquired about the section in question and was waiting for a definitive answer. It came this morning when I was informed your entry is spending the weekend on the Front Page. smiley - biggrin

Congratulations! smiley - cheers

Greetings from your Gem Polisher

Post 5

Rising Tide

Once again, Broe, Thanks.


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