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Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Started conversation Apr 14, 2004
Ah, it is you. (As confirmed by the article about bento.)
is Canada as good as is generally said?
Saturnine Posted Apr 15, 2004
Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous! Shame I am leaving here next week. I'll be back to the UK on temporary basis though : I have to find some kind of employment route so that I can come back here for longer. Money does not grow on trees, sadly.
Anyhoo! How are you?! Haven't see you for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages!
Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Posted Apr 15, 2004
Oh, is it a holiday? shame. I am surprisingly used to folk jetting off to live in odd places so that if someone mentions they are not in their usual spot I sort of redraw them on the map.
I would like everything I have heard about Canada to be true. I suspect it is since it's not said loudly, or by Canadians.
Besides I found out like last week that my great-grandmother was Canadian, and super-rich, but was disowned for marrying beneath her. Lost riches! ...well, probably not. Looks like work for me too. Soon I will get to see first hand if all the successful illustrators who've been coming to talk to us lately were just clever robots, or if it really can be done.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages is the word. Still sewing; I have an overlocker now (whee) so the things I make look like real clothes. No shocking illnesses, accidents or losses of hair. Scared of bathrooms tho' after seeing Dark Water; you just *know* that'll be the kind of acommodation you end up in.
Saturnine Posted Apr 16, 2004
Well. An extended holiday really. I've never been on holiday before, so this is like, making up for my crappy childhood. Been here since January. I really really desperately want to stay and not come back, but like I said ; no moolah. So I'm coming back to find a way of coming back.
I'm thinking of spending a year studying massage therapy (well, Sept - May) but...well...there is
in the mix too (not to be talked about on this site right now owing to the permanency of the posts). If I do do it, it might mean I can come back for longer, but it's going to be a year before I come back.
Not sure I can stay away from a certain person for that long. It's a hard situation. On the other hand, we are trying to get me a teaching assistant job here, which would be perfect for me; so there's a better solution being worked on right now.
There's a link on my PS to my Vancouver blog, if you want to check out what I've been up to. Pictures and everything!
Won't be online regularly until I am back in the UK - I am trying to get as much writing and relaxing done as possible before the 25th. Also, I still have $350 to spend on clothes and stuff; and I bought myself a laptop, so I have to buy stuff for that. Blah blah blah.
I hate having to grow up. I really really really hate it. *tantrum* It's so hard.
Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Posted Jul 25, 2004
Sounds like excellent compensation.
I hope you've found some means of staying there, by now.
The presence of tantrums proves you have succeeded in growing-up avoidance.
Btw, as esteemed Anime&MangaShack operative: I am trying to 'get into' (for lack of a non-stupid phrase) anime&manga (I'm already into shacks.) Could you recommend any personal favourites?
Saturnine Posted Jul 31, 2004
Been back in the UK for a whole bunch of months, I'm horrendously unemployed, poor, and totally unmotivated. Not using h2g2 much at all right now (thought an extended break from the site might clear me brain a bit). And I'm plugging away at trying to get back on a permanent basis. Might even have found a way.
But yeh, anime. I'm not as knowledgeable as the others, but you should at least start with :
Ghost in the Shell
Neon Genesis Evangelion
As those three are like, the core of all necessary anime.
Hope that helps!
*tootles off to clear up backlog and disappear for a few more weeks again*
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