This is the Message Centre for Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Can't you go home & lie in bed for the afternoon? Its not going to get any better with you sitting staring at a computer screen all day & listening to people bitch on the phone. ( Nag nag nag )
And you obviously arent doing any work there....
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
I'm actually sitting in my reclining chair, with my feet up on another chair hidden under my desk.
I am trying to co-ordinate eating cheese rolls, learning Sigma Notation (without the aid of a Panda), listening to whinging customers and posting on h2g2. And of course dodging the missiles that are flying around the office.
I can't understand why I've got a headache...
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Do you actually eat anything non-cheese related ?
That reminds me, must go up A**a in a minute to get more cheese as I appear to have run out of food again. Thats the problem with being home all day, been eating bloody sanwiches constantly...
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
I hardly ever eat cheese.
I'm only eating rolls with cheese on them as that's all they had in S*******y's this morning as they'd not had their delivery. (Don't know why we've got no bread at home)
They haven't got cheese *in* them, just on them.
Suppose they could be causing the migraines along iwth the I keep eating. (I'm not supposed to eat
as it gives me migraines...)
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
Any chance you could get me some more and a loaf of bread whilst you're there?
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
S*******y's ?
Can't you get sacked or something for shopping in there ?
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
It was on my way to work!
They also sell chocolate tiffin which I'm not supposed to eat.
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Whats chocolate tiffin?
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
Chocolate with stuff in it (cherries, raisins, bits of biscuit, coconut etc.) I'll make you some next week if you like.
Did you get anymore squished stuff today?
(and did you remember my bread?)
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Hmm, please, sounds good
Today from A**a I got:
Toilet rolls!
Bread (Yes, even more bread. Rolls this time for... )
Peanut Butter (Munching peanut butter sandwich even as I type!)
Chicken, Noodles, Soy Sauce, Veggies
(Above for spectacular chicken chow mien i'm going to cook tonight)
What a sad domesticated old fart I have become
Have not received any squished stuff today, apart from old joint account cheque book that D stuffed through this morning sometime...
I have plenty of spare bread if you want some
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Um, does your drink
I'll not have it singing you know, oops, sorry, wrong thread...
I'll stock up on ,
, which would you prefer ?
I'll make sure there is plenty of also
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
h2 wants coke. (but she isn't allowed it!) Did I mention I was bringing her with me?
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
You know how to make friends don't you!
Tap water will be fine for her.
I'll have a nice chilled glass of Chardonnay
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
Just one ?!
Throwing pandas about at work.
6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges Posted Mar 20, 2002
and no I haven't taught him how to post on h2g2 yet. He's seen me do it though and he's big enough and clever enough to do it if he wants to!
Throwing pandas about at work.
Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Key: Complain about this post
Throwing pandas about at work.
- 21: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 22: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 23: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 24: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 25: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 26: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 27: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 28: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 29: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 30: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 31: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 32: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 33: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 34: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 35: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 36: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 37: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 38: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 39: 6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges (Mar 20, 2002)
- 40: Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee ) (Mar 20, 2002)
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