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Oops. Bit of a lapse there. Hi. You must be the reader. How are you?

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2002

No logic, no reason

Thanks to the helpful h2g2 support staff, I've just regained access to my old, dusty h2g2 account - U30583. This evening I'll update it, clear out the rubbish, and add a simple link to this user space.

Or will I? I could do the opposite - clear out _this_ user space, and move back into my old one. In communities like this, there's often an irrational and light-hearted prestige associated with low user IDs, since they signify a certain longevity (if not, in most cases, meaningful seniority). It's sort of a status symbol on Slashdot, for example, to have a low user number, and I've noticed the same attitude amongst people on ICQ. I've no idea whether or not it's also observed here.

But it means absolutely _nothing_! It just isn't significant that I signed up in 1999, because thousands upon thousands of other people did the same thing. And even if I did sign up before the rush, which I _didn't_, it would still be a meaningless and empty fact, because I freely admit that I've done far less on h2g2 than some people who have been here for far less time than I.

So why, when all this is true, am I still feeling the utterly irrational yet inexplicably strong urge that U30583 is better than U189084 ?

I'm ashamed. It's so superficial. I'm just a slave to the numbers.

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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2002


Today they rolled out the latest h2g2 skin, Brunel.

My initial reaction was 'ack!'. But in the space of about 30 seconds, it grew on me, and now I think I really rather like it.

I'm not usually prone to such rapid reversals of opinion, I promise.

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Latest reply: Aug 19, 2002


Oops, it's been a while. How are you?

This coming weekend is a special one, since it is a most uncommon four days long. Through it, I'll be stuck here on my own with nothing to do, so I intend to give h2g2 some of my spare time. The results may surprise you... and me.

Catch you later.

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Latest reply: May 31, 2002


Whee, a busy couple of days on h2g2 already. I joined the h2g2 Fantasy Film League (A679854), got myself listed on the University Nexus (A617131) and joined the Farscape Appreciation Society (A658875). And everyone's being really friendly. I like this place.

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Latest reply: Feb 14, 2002

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Chris Chapman

Researcher U189084

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