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why are fish hard to name?

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi..smiley - smiley..
i couldn't resist answering that that question..i have smiley - a pond..& i'm a star trek named my fish after star trek characters..'picard'-is a white smiley - fish with orange spot on top of head-repressenting picards bald head..
another smiley - fish is white with orange patch under mouth is 'riker'-patch repressenting his beard..then there's 'data'..a shubunkin..multi coloured representing his electronics (wrong word, i know, nearest i could think of)..then there's 'odo'(changling)..took a couple of wks to name..this smiley - fish changed colour..from bronze to creamy..i'll stop there..u get the idea? really doesn't matter what name u give a smiley - fish..unlike a smiley - dog..or..smiley - cat..they will never respond to their name..smiley - smiley..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 2


And of course you've heard the saying that you own a smiley - dog but you feed a smiley - cat. Our cat tolerates us and that's it smiley - smiley

We're big Star Trek fans too.smiley - ufo Have you seen the new series yet? Our favourites are Next Generation and Voyager. How about you?

smiley - cheers

why are fish hard to name?

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Yeah!..That'd be about right..smiley - smiley - dog..are always pleased to see me..smiley - cat..ignores me till they want something..neither of them are lap smiley - cat..

Star Trek:TNG..&..Voyager are my favourites too..i've seen new series..Enterprise..(up to about 5-6 epiode here)..i don't think much of's not up to usual Star Trek standard..I know of a couple of Star Trek fans who have already stopped watching it..i'll continue watching..see if it improves..smiley - smiley..i used to watch..Deep Space 9..gave up on that..What do you think of Enterprise?..

smiley - smiley

why are fish hard to name?

Post 4


I'd put Enterprise above Deep Space Nine, but that's not saying much since I really didn't like DSN. If I happen to be home on the nights Enterprise is on, then I'll watch it, but I won't go out of my way.

Fortunatley, we still get re-runs of Next Generation every night at 10. Geez, it sounds as though I need to get a life!! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

why are fish hard to name?

Post 5

a visitor to planet earth

Hello i am a fan of voyager
but i do not like enterprise,
i used to like scott bakula
in quantam leap, if i have spelt it right.
smiley - ufosmiley - aliensmilesmiley - smiley

why are fish hard to name?

Post 6

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi michael..smiley - smiley..
it's only me butting in..sorry to dissapoint - smiley..
it's quantum..not quantam..ur suppose to be my spell checker..not visa-versa..smiley - smiley..the episodes of quantum leap i liked best was the ones where sam becket was a female..what ones did u like?
maybe jonathon archers first words in enterprise should have been "oh boy" - smiley..
sandra..smiley - smiley..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 7


Quantum Leap is one of my favourites too. The last episode, though a little disappointing, was probably the only way it could have ended.

What are you doing on line at this time of night Emmily? Isn't it the wee small hours over there?

smiley - cheers

why are fish hard to name?

Post 8


The only possible name for a smiley - fish is Billy. Named in honour of Viz comic's best and greatest ever character smiley - smiley

Oh, and sorry for butting in like that.

why are fish hard to name?

Post 9

a visitor to planet earth

quantum Leap
one of the episodes i like is when he goes back
and meets his brother who is killed in
vietnam. i thought it was very sad.

why are fish hard to name?

Post 10

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

I've seen the last episode twice & still don't understand it..smiley - smiley.'s nearly 2am..& i should be in the 'land of nod'..smiley - smiley..i was doing a guide entry 4 yorkshire terrier..then found a few entries to read..time just flies when ur having fun..smiley - smiley..

i vaguely remember that 1..he wanted to tell his brother who he had to keep reminding him he couldn't..smiley - smiley..xx..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 11

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

At the end of my first entry..i should have takes a certain amount of madness & insanity to name a fish in the first place..smiley - smiley..i have fish in a tank that also have just how mad & insane am i?..smiley - smiley..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 12

a visitor to planet earth

maybe a professional could advise you
smiley - batsmiley - aliensmilesmiley - ufo

why are fish hard to name?

Post 13

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

michael?..smiley - smiley..
advise me what? know i'm crazy..don't need a professional to tell me that..smiley - smiley..
maybe u could give me the details of ur 'shrink'..then ur not being cured..maybe
sandra..smiley - smiley..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 14


*pulls out virtual couch for Michael and Sandra* smiley - doctorsmiley - scientist

So, tell me about your fathers.

How long have you had the smiley - fish-naming obsession?

Hang on a minute. *Back tracks* smiley - footprints This whole string started with my question on why smiley - fish are hard to name!! smiley - doh

*pulls Michael and Sandra off couch. Lies down*

OK, I remember this aquarium at Butlin's when I was 6 . . .

smiley - cheers

why are fish hard to name?

Post 15

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

please..please..smiley - grovel..smiley - grovel..could we have the couch back..we were enjoying a..smiley - cuddle..(well!..i was..michael will have to speak for himself..smiley - kiss)..does this clinic have room service?..smiley - smiley..coz we will also need smiley - bubbly..a smiley - rose..(for me)..&..smiley - strawberries..(with fresh whipped cream)..that is what the smiley - doctor..has ordered we need to cure our insanity..smiley - smiley..

suggest u look up butlins helpline @

smiley - smiley..smiley - clown..smiley - fairy..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 16


Sounds as though it's not your insanity your looking to cure!

Clinic does not have room service. Suggest patients get a room.

smiley - cheers

why are fish hard to name?

Post 17

Researcher Marj

This post started with why are fish hard to name, it has degenerated into a what do you like to watch on T.V and which insane clinics you should be in. Why name a fish anything, it can't reply or look at you or even smile. A cat can meow, a dog can bark. What can a fish do? Nothing, except let you eat it. Try a new subject please.Marj

why are fish hard to name?

Post 18


As a poet, you should bask in the flow of stream of consciousness, Marj. Celebrate the unpredictability of discussion. Threads like the one above is frivolous, but it captures the essence of why we prefer harmony to echo . . . plus being just plain silly if fun sometimes smiley - smiley

And I enjoyed your poetry by the bye.

smiley - cheers

why are fish hard to name?

Post 19

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

This post had reached it's was a bit of fun..if you didn't like it..& found it 'beneath you'..why continue to read it..& why add an unnecessary post to it..

..smiley - smiley..

why are fish hard to name?

Post 20

Researcher Marj

In your pprevios post you could have said it was the fish name you were referring to. Don't be so vitriolic, I was joking too. Cheers marj P.S. I agree that conversation went on for far too long.

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