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why are fish hard to name?

Post 21

a visitor to planet earth

Do fish remember their name? Do they come if you call them by name?
Can you cuddle them? Can you housetrain them? Do they love their owners?

why are fish hard to name?

Post 22

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

smiley - grrMichaelsmiley - grr

This thread should have been left buried!!!!!!

You didn't read it first did you smiley - huh It has your old name in it, as well as being the only conversation here in which I've had 'bad words' with anyone! Not something I want to be reminded of smiley - grr

You might like to try reading threads before you revive them, they may be better left unrevived. You've got a brain, try using it!

smiley - rose

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