This is the Message Centre for Chocolate Drop

Hi There Chocolate Drop...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2. My name is Solnushka and I am one of the volunteer ACEs, which basically means that I flit around greeting new researchers, spelling really badly in the process and helping out wherever I can. Of course, technically you aren't entirely new smiley - yikes
But like they say: a bit late, but moving fast smiley - smiley

Me too! I love chocolate! I am particularly fond of the dark kind, but I won't say no to a nice bit of milk. Not too ennamoured of white theough: it always gives me a headache. I've often wondered why. Gosh, I will go on and on at this rate... smiley - biggrin

Anyway if you have any questions, please do hit the reply button below and ask away. Go on, you know you want to... Here are a couple of links in the meantime, but feel free to ignore them if you have already found them. Or just ignore them :

Ask h2g2, where you can ask anything except 'What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?': <./>Askh2g2</.>

The h2g2 newspaper, The Post, which as well as being a hugely entertaining read also has pages of usful links, including one to all sorts of clubs, gangs, societies and cliques you can join here: <./>ThePost</.>

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Hi There Chocolate Drop...

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