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Ahh magari se fossi a Verona

Post 1


You lucky lucky thing!!!!!- I did my Erasmus year in Verona and it was easily one of the best in my life. I did absolutely no work (I did go to 'some' lectures though...) but I spent most of my time going out to bars and stuff. Check out SOTTORIVA 23 and the CAMPUS bar on via xx settembre. Or if you are ever in need of people to talk to (Veronese are not your average gregarious italians really-much more reserved) go to the university ASE office. They organise great (insane- some might say- I almost suffrered alcohol poisoning at LA VECCHIA VERONETTA through too much tequila-so would you if it was 2000 lira a double). Oh and yes- the most underated restaurant is the CARLO RE in borgo venezia (cant remember the exact address- but the pizza is great)
If you do ever get to the ASE office SAY G.F. sent you and that he apologises for that really random speech I did on Erasmus day about about the UK. Emphasise that I was drunk.

Hope you enjoy your work placement.


P.S. any chance you could send some decent Bardolino over. Sainsburys stock them but they dont quite taste the same.

Ahh magari se fossi a Verona

Post 2


Thanks for the advice, I've already sampled the delights of most of your suggestions. Campus is practically my second home and there have been many drunken nights in the veccia - what is with those toilets??!! I'm having a blast, it's just a shame I have to get up every morning and go to work!
I haven't been to the Carlo Re but I'll bear it in mind. Going skiing this weekend on an ASE trip which happily coincides with my 21st birthday - madness!

Ahh magari se fossi a Verona

Post 3


OH CAMPUS!!!CAMPUS!!! Those football screen nights with the boys, that delicious GIURISPRUDENZA toasted sandwich!!!The guys behind the bar that always know your order off by heart and the 2 o'clock closing time.
So many happy memorys (sniff sniff!!!)So many absent drink related memorys.

Oh and as for the toilet in Vecchia-erm though it is (its not even a toilet...just a hole...must have been hell for the women) it's a small price to pay for having a downstairs area where you can party.

Say hi to Igor Bigio Damiano and that Roman a*******e Leo and the rest of the ASE crew (if they are still around) and dont work too hard (work???? are you on a Leonardo da vinci placement or something, jack it in and enyoy the nights)
Enjoy the ski trip. I missed out on it.


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