This is the Message Centre for Researcher Marj

Hi Ms M

Post 1


Howdy Marge, I think the remove button that appears near your work if for your convenience. If you want to remove your piece of work, it can be a bit distractive as it only appears in front of your work. The site has changed and I have only posted one piece of work since it has so I am not sure, but I think that what I have said is right. One of the editors may get in touch with you and let you know for sure. Welcome to Get Writing, I have looked at your Spiritual Dreaming poem and really liked the way you conveyed the feeling of surrealism you have sometimes when you awake from a dream. I will take a peak at some more when I feel I can give some time to it. One of the protocols of the site is that if you want people to look at your work, you start to look at and review works (there is instructions on the site to guide you on this) and hopefully they will repay the compliment. I feel that we have all got limited time and that this is a good way of getting reviews. If you natter on the threads people will get to know you and you will also strike up some contacts from that..I might be telling you how to suck eggs sorry if I am. As you might be a season trouper with H2G2. You mentioned a time delay where are you? Well I hope you have a good time here and catch you on the threads cheers Serindippidydogsmiley - ok

Hi Ms M

Post 2

Researcher Marj

Thanks for your help ,I am gradually getting the hang of things and if I can find any of yours ,I wiill reply ,sorry to be so long but have only just noticed you said anything. Cheers marj

Hi Ms M

Post 3

Researcher Marj

Lost all contact until recently, don't go to h2g2 anymore ,but typing in my real name Marj Busby I found 4 pages on different BBC sites and they were not all .I was a Londoner now I am living in Australia but still a Londoner at heart, thanks for your comments if you are still on here .Marj

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