Journal Entries

My First Week

I've been on the guide for one whole week now and I am hooked. I just have to log on everyday. There are still many areas that I have to discover and much left to understand. F'rinstance, I would like to learn Guide ML but just haven't found the time yet. Time; I recognise that the guide can eat up a lot of it and I wish I had more to give.
I think that the guide is just too cooooooooooooool!!!
More next week!

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Latest reply: Jan 12, 2002

The Guide

I came across the guide quite by chance yesterday (or the day before-time is hard to control) and now I'm sitting here trying to take in what its all about and what to do next. I'm not a great reader of instructions but rather a "swallow it and see" type (one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small....). In computer terms I'm a clicker, a hunter and pecker. So, let's dive in the deep end.........

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Latest reply: Jan 4, 2002

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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