This is the Message Centre for dhalgren

Day 3

Post 1


Another clear cold day. Cars are skidding up frozen hills which have turned to glass. Its nice that the sun is so bright...though driving with it in your face is quite difficult...everything looks black in comparison.

I look forward to the new year...though the January demarcation is quite arbitrary...the new year used to start in March in our old pagan days. The moon is just past full as well and bright at night.

I worry about India and Pakistan...but also that Leeds or Arsenal might win the Premiership...which would be an ill omen for the future of civilisation. I plan to text everyone to wish them a happy new year...then wonder how long this would take...i will wait till midnight.

British Gas ahve written to say that they are putting their charges up...I wonder if the coldest day in the year is the best timing for this peice of news.

Anyway...i sit happy in my house and wait for my vegetable soup to warm up...i shall feel better once it has been eaten.

Happy New Year everybody.

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