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Getting on h2g2
dhalgren Started conversation Dec 29, 2001
Well someone told me about this site so i thought i'd get on here i am.
I have posted a piece i wrote about the egyptian ennead...but have no idea how to navigate this don't know where it is.
I spend a ridiculous amount of time on ICQ so if you want to chat contact me on here and we can swap numbers.
Excuse my ignorance
The cat in the hat (Armoire of Missing Persons) A 1001% Xcentric United Friend Posted Dec 31, 2001
What's ICQ.
this may be a strange thing to ask, but it is a term I have not heard before.
Excuse my ignorance
Crazy Man Posted Dec 31, 2001
I think it's an Instant Messenger thing, like AIM or MSN IM...
Excuse my ignorance
The cat in the hat (Armoire of Missing Persons) A 1001% Xcentric United Friend Posted Dec 31, 2001
Thank you.
now I will see if I can use that from here.
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Getting on h2g2
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