Journal Entries
I have an opinion, a suggestion a complaint
Posted Dec 28, 2001
Why oh why oh why oh why do 'couples' insist of walking hand in hand or arm in arm or just next to each other in narrow streets?
Is this a hierarchical thing? Are they jockeying for position in some private battle? Is it so demeaning to walk behind your 'partner'? Are you so unsure of yourself that you can't take the lead?
Am I, the person coming the other way, to be eternally met with contempt and forced to walk in the gutter? Must I really jump in front of traffic so you may maintain your equal status?
Are you a middle aged/elderly couple who walks slowly down the pavement staring down your nose at me? Daring me to stand my ground, looking at me as if I belong in the gutter? Is this how you intend to spend the rest of your life?
I think you are very rude.
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Latest reply: Dec 28, 2001
The Cabbage
Posted Dec 28, 2001
Who is The Cabbage?
My cat, late adolescent troublemaker and totally devoted to me. Grey and white, male neutered domestic shorthair Somalian cross. He has a lot to say for himself, accomplished hunter, easily spooked and a bit dense in the head.
Highlights of Hunting.
Caught a crow which survived after I prised his jaws apart to release it.
Brought a baby rabbit into the house and let it go. Rabbit managed to hide in the house for three days before I found it. Rabbit survived.
Caught fully grown rabbit and ate its head. Rabbit did not survive.
Most annoying habit.
Deciding to play with my feet in the middle of the night. Usually involves drawing my blood.
Most endearing quality.
Demanding a cuddle when I come home from work.
Favorite food.
Any just as long as there is alot.
Significant others.
Robert - sort of friend, shares topcat status in the house. Occasional falling out but never a major upset. The Cabbage gets jealous when Robert wants a cuddle.
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Latest reply: Dec 28, 2001
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