This is the Message Centre for Jerms

Hi Jerms!

Post 1

Evil Zombie Strider

Just droppin' by to say "hi" because I saw you on the "questions to while away the hours" forum and I didn't know you. So, how are you enjoying h2g2 so far?

smiley - footprints

Hi Jerms!

Post 2


Oh, hello!
Just when I thought I'd replied to all the postings I wanted to, and was about to give up and go back to work, someone drops a message right at my ground zero! smiley - ok
This place is so friendly! As you can tell if you look hard enough, I'm already on heaps of forums, and even a couple of personal conversations (four now, I think), so I'm not keen to slow down yet. I would like to meet a few of these people in RL, though - perhaps I should go on that OE someday soon...
Anyhoo - catch you 'round! smiley - biggrin

Hi Jerms!

Post 3

Evil Zombie Strider

Well, hope your having lots of fun. I'm sure I'll see you around and about. I'm actually seriously considering trying to make it to a meet IRL, it would be quite interesting.

smiley - footprints

Hi Jerms!

Post 4


It would be nice, but it would be kinda difficult for me at the moment - I live on a speck of an island (well, not really, but it seems like it sometimes) in the South Pacific ocean. =>smiley - earth
A little too removed for most meets, unfortunately.
At least I have chat forums! smiley - ok

Hi Jerms!

Post 5

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - laugh Thanks for the map! smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - footprints

Hi Jerms!

Post 6



Hi Jerms!

Post 7

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - biggrin

smiley - footprints

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