Journal Entries

The Vips in Canada

I don't often post photographs, but these are too pretty not to share. I've been meaning to do it since we got back - whch was in June, by the way - but I hope you enjoy then nonetheless.

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2010

Snow cleared.

smiley - brrsmiley - snowballsmiley - snowman

As I have the day off work today I thought I'd make the most of it, and cleared not just the pavement outside my house but of my next door neighbours and the front step of the elderly lady who lives two doors down. I've been meaning to do that when the next snow came so it's nice to be able to put that into practice.

I'd just finished chucking a couple of handfuls of salt around when the snow started again. Perfect timing. Now I can watch the falling snow inside, snug and warm instead of cold and wet.

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2010

Happy birthday to me...

I turned 9 yesterday. Doesn't time fly!

*offers smiley - cake*

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2010

I can nearly see through my windows...

... at work. Not all of them; I can only reach so far so it's only the top two thirds are clean. smiley - cool Given the amount of grime on there I don't want to think how many years it's been.
It's a shame I can't do a proper job, but I'll need to think about the proper tools to use to reach into those hard to reach areas. And to stop scraping my forearm on the bars, 'cause they're rusting and while my tetanus shots are up to date I don't want to tempt fate!

There we go. A productive use of my lunch break, n'est-ce pas?

More importantly, my mini Christmas tree smiley - xmastree is now on my desk, lights glowing and looking pretty. I never used to bother, but I like decorating my house and other places now. It makes me happy!

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: Dec 9, 2010

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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2010

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