Journal Entries

Will I do it?

Make the most of this gym membership, that is. We finally decided to take the plunge, after both deciding we needed to do more stuff but not being able to find any options that we agreed would be viable for longer than a week (Mr Vip doesn't really do physically active sports, neither do I, actually, and walking is difficult as it would be a car drive to get to somewhere we'd want to walk which rather negates the point, in a way. And we wouldn't do it in the dark or bad weather, 'cause we're crap like that).

If you've made your way through that minefield of a sentence above, congratulations! You managed to follow our thought processes, which were about that chaotic. smiley - erm

Anyway. We've bought the membership, and have been having fun so far. I need to make some changes to my routine already, but that's OK and such things always need a bit of a shakedown initially. I'm also going to adapt it to get me more time in the swimming pool as I rather enjoy it.

But... gosh, it's posh. All the exercise machines have little slots in them for you to put a key with your programme of machines on it, and it automatically goes to the right speed, or indicates when you've done the corrent amount of reps. And the showers! They're all huge, and with stone tiles, and shower gel dispensers. They've even got those posh lockers with keypads, like the ones I managed to lock myself out of at the spa I visited last year on my sister-in-law's hen party.

Life keeps on throwing these little shocks at me. I keep on doing things that make me feel rather... above my station, if you catch my drift. Those who have met me will probably snigger, especially those of you who have seen the village where I was brought up, but hey. I spent a long time with enough money to get by but only because I was frugal and selective with what I spent. Being able to afford a posh gym membership is weird. Although, of course, that's more down to Mr Vip having been hard working and dedicated to his job for over a decade rather than my contribution to the communal pot. smiley - laugh

But enough about my feelings of social inadequacy, this was supposed to be a reminder for me in the future that I mean to do this thing. *points at future self sternly*

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: May 24, 2011

Tee hee

I just got off the phone from a professional call at work, and the receptionist signed off the phone with 'love you loads'.

It's nice to be loved by complete strangers, isn't it? smiley - laugh

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: May 18, 2011

Too many unknowns.

There are just too many decisions to make that require information that I just don't have yet.

Are we moving house in the next six months?
Will I fall pregnant in that time (reproductive biology being the finikity thing it is)?
When interest rates rise, when will it happen and how will that affect fixed and variable mortgage rates?
How long can I do this job before burning out, and if I do, what will I do instead?
If and when we find out about h2g2, how much time will I be able to put in?
If I fail to do anything about my fitness level now, how is it going to affect my health and wellbeing?


A few of them will undoubtedly sort themselves out in a little while. However, by that time I/we will have already had to make a decision about our motgage, and I really wish I knew the answers to some of these questions now. smiley - sigh

It's not a dire problem, it just bugs me. I hate making uninformaed decisions.

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: May 10, 2011

Too much chocolate

My boss has just given us a chocolate Easter egg for Easter (despite us all saying several times we would rather her not give us anything at all, as the boys aren't that fond of chocolate and I eat it like a starving wolf).

I've already eaten half of the egg, plus both the Creme Eggs inside. I've eaten so much sugar that I feel queasy. So why am I trying to convince myself that I should eat the other half? smiley - wah

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: Apr 19, 2011


A work collegue who has been off sick for some considerable time has started back, which is great. He's a lovely person and we get on well. On seeing me for the first time, he swept me up into a hug, which was lovely - except that he had so much aftershave on that I can still smell in on me an hour later.

Tip: less is often more when it comes to aftershave, guys.

smiley - fairy

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Latest reply: Apr 15, 2011

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