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Still coughing

Post 1


This cough is still going, although I do believe I am over the worst of it now. Sadly my voice is broken but hey, that happens.

Working a full week was curiously no bother. Now smiley - cupid is at school, and he's decided he likes after school club (which he initially despised) it is quite chilled. I've even figured out a new route that gets me an extra mile walk to to pick him up, which I'm really enjoying.

The house move has stalled, and we may need to find a different house to purchase. We've seen one that could be the compromise we can live with, so we will see if we can view it this weekend. Such is the nature of house buying. At least the survey got delayed, otherwise we would have lost £630 with no hope it getting it back. smiley - yikes

smiley - fairy

Still coughing

Post 2


Did his school do World Book Day? smiley - earthsmiley - book
Good luck with the house viewing this weekend!


Still coughing

Post 3

Icy North

(off topic, sorry)

Talking of World Book Day, this made me laugh:

(back on topic)

Hope all goes well with the house hunting!

Still coughing

Post 4


I can't watch the video at the moment but will save it for later.

They took their favorite books to school for Would Book Day. smiley - cupid too 'The Book With No Pictures', so I'm very glad it wasn't a dressing up there as I would have no idea what to do for a nonsense book! smiley - laugh

Fingers crossed the house thing will get back on track soon. It's not the end of the world but it is frustrating to essentially have to start all over again.

smiley - fairy

Still coughing

Post 5


(With apologies for the typos everywhere; I am on my phone and the auto correct is a little zealous...

smiley - fairy

Still coughing

Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

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