Journal Entries

Aaaaaagggghhhh!!! It's toooo much!

I..... can't belive it! They actually bleeped out [female dog].

I am too stunned to formulate a suitably cutting reply.

Perhaps I should should start using words which mearly sound like a 'naughty word'. Like 'Duck' for example. Duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck. Hah. Now you can either cover over the word 'duck', or leave it. Would you really do that. Or 'stich', possibly.

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2001

Copyright stuff

I don't know, my first journal entry, and they take it off because of some copyright thing. Like anyone would have noticed if I hadn't mentioned it. Here's what I get to keep:

Well, it's my first day here in Hitchhikerland. Not much to report, really.
Sorry, but I ran out of good ideas after completing my main page. Give
me a minute....

Ah! Just the thing!

[[This section had to be removed. It used to contain a funny artical on the use by a Polish rapper of the word Polack. Which is offensive slang for Pole, or something. It was origionally on [URL removed by moderator]. As it was only a brief artical, you can't read it any more. Well, there you go. Life's a b***h, and then you die.]]

Er.... that's pretty much a direct copy from [URL removed by moderator] It's a really good site. Please don't sue.

Since it's not on their site any more, I don't see that they would have minded. It might have even created an interest in the site. If they'd have complained, I'd have understood it being removed. But, as far as I know, they didn't. There you go.

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2001

Magic: the Gathering

Yesterday I attended my local Magic: the Gathering club. Won 2, lost 4. Never play Unlimited in Arena with people who buy 6 booster boxes if they're feeling cheep. And have been playing for 6+ years. Or are just Sliver-using gits. Not that I'm bitter.

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2001

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