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Shit Happens! Life is Good!
tartaronne Started conversation Feb 19, 2011
Today we said goodbye to a very good friend.
"Shit happens!" was his comment when he was diagnosed with incurable cancer.
And then he continued to live after his credo, which he always put at the end of all postcards, letters, mails, sms's and discussions: "Life is good!".
The funeral service was at our local (protestant) church although he was not a member of the church and leaned towards more optimistic and/or fatalistic beliefs: "Life is good!" - "Shit happens!"
Sig. S. rang the organist who was on holiday and asked him to go to work and play 'A Whiter Shade of Pale' in the beginning of the sermon (his choice) and "My Way" at the end, when the coffin was carried out (the wife's choice), which he did. He was also a friend and political companion (socialist).
Indeed our friend F. always did things his way, being careful not to hurt others in the process.
The speeches were very warm and painted a nuanced portrait of our friend. Sig. S. and I sang and played "Always on My Mind" (Willie Nelson) - the wife's request.
Sig. S. is always very emotional at funerals, but luckily he had practiced every day for a week with and without me, so we got through the very beautiful version he had created without breaking down. But at the end we both trembled so much that the vibrato became exaggerated .
Afterward, everyone was invited to the friend's and his wife's home for , Belgian beer and
- our friend was from Belgium and his family had brought the goods to Denmark - wine, food, laughs and a lot of memories were consumed and exchanged - quite in our friend F.'s spirit.
He even made the sun shine during the day and the moon look like an orange pumpkin with half and half .
He loved traveling, company from all cultures and of all walks of life, cooking food, drinking wine and beer and talking for hours with good friends.
He will always be on my mind. And my resolution is to enjoy life even more and discard all the petty troubles.
Shit happens! - but - Life is Good!
Let us cherish our friendships.
Shit Happens! Life is Good!
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Feb 20, 2011
So here's your journal after all.
I really hope the year won't go on like this: with news about friends' loved ones and/or friends having died. It is getting too much, really.
Shit Happens! Life is Good!
Santragenius V Posted Feb 20, 2011
Sounds like you did that the best way such a thing can be done!
Shit Happens! Life is Good!
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Feb 20, 2011
Shit Happens! Life is Good!
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Feb 23, 2011
Yes, life is good. I do try to remind myself of that, even at the worst moments...
I'm glad this journal reappeared.
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Shit Happens! Life is Good!
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