This is the Message Centre for prancingpilchard

ACE's welcome prancingpilchard!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the assistant community editors or <./>ACEs</.> here & I'm glad you have! Take your time going over my colleague Feisor's Hints & Links@ A719840 see just Where you've arrived, so to speak.smiley - winkeye I think you'll like it & find it a friendly/informative community to be apart of. Don't hesitate to leave me a message if you've got any questions or anything. TTFN...& enjoy!*waves*

ACE's welcome prancingpilchard!

Post 2


Hello Jaz'd

Thank you for your welcome.

I am reading through the page you showed me and have changed my page to Brunel to try it out.

Prancingpilchardsmiley - biggrin

ACE's welcome prancingpilchard!

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Great to get a prompt reply...I'm sure you'll like it - the <./>smileya</.> among other things can be quite addictive. smiley - smiley(in a good way!)

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