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Brother Maynard Posted Feb 7, 2002
Gosh, its been busy again!
I don't fancy much of the food shown by the smileys ( and
So, 's all round, there's plenty for everyone
Tefkat: one is very and the other not very thirsty. Its not to do with their ages because that would mean equal measures.
Zantic: Hang your towel over by Tefkat's burning trees, you don't want to have a damp towel at a party. And thanks for the balloons and happy retrospective birthday to you (mine was last week!)
Any chance someone could put some music on to get some dancing going? What do you fancy?
That should help your diodes loosen up a bit
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Feb 8, 2002
Uhm ..because cyberfood is really fast food, which by definition requires no prep. It can be obtained by inserting coins in a vending machine with no human interaction.
Sandwiches are a labour of love involving some human interaction and an exchange of ideas regarding contents and condiments. Each is unique in its own moment of time and space, lovingly created on oven fresh bread, from the warming hearth. Hold that mayo!
Clsoest thing to a smiley round here are fish sandwhiches:
But it's hard to keep mustard on them.
Wumbeevil Posted Feb 8, 2002
And if you want the mustard to stay on that, just ask her to smear it on her broom (it sticks in the grain). Now that particular wholemeal sandwich could also be classed as fast food, but only if the witch was careless with her dressing.
The finest exponent of the mustard sandwich must be Lord Victor of Cholesterol who one day brushed some dill mustard on an ordinary to produce the flavour sensation that shook the world of sandwich-making. You must have heard of the Sir Vic Dill Smear Taste.
Rightio time to burn down these Welsh holiday homes as was promised in the advertising for this party. I think I'll start with Tom Jones' Malibu beach house.
Clone me a kipper, I'll be back for two breakfasts.
Wumbeevil Posted Feb 8, 2002
Aha, serves me a kipper sandwich right for not using the punctuation mark smileys, let's try...
There, that's butter.
Zantic - Who is this woman?? Posted Feb 8, 2002
Happy retrospective b-day to you too Brother M!
I'll have some of that and possibly some
'Singing in the rain ya de dah de dah dah...'
Tefkat Posted Feb 8, 2002
Happy retrospective birthday to you
Happy retrospective birthday to you
Happy retrospective birthday dear Brother Maynard
Happy retrospective birthday to you
Gosh that was hard to fit in
for me please. Hold the
You have a pair of clones then Bro? Is that what they call clonic irritation?
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