Journal Entries

The SubEtha Net

I've been doing some thinking, really, go ahead and say it, I know you're thinking it -Really, Spike? Congratulations!- There. Out of your system? Good, let's go on. smiley - winkeye

More specifically, I've been thinking about DNA's vision. We all know he was an absolute genius, but half the time it was intentional great writing, and half the time it was thay type of genius that it takes a third party to point out. That's what the Guide was. The original idea, he has said many times, was just a literary trick to serve as a premise and then to keep the story interesting. It was never meant to be this. He didn't realize what he was predicting all along until after he had finished. The same is true of 42. He chose it specifically to be a random, unimportant number. Oh, well.

So maybe that's not all he got right. Maybe there's more to extract from the story of the Guide than we have so far. I am not the first to envision the SubEtha Net in real life. What we need is not technology, but support. We have cell phone towers. My idea is to define an SEP (SubEtha Protocol). The Guide could run on a palmtop-style platform with a larger screen. Think about it: never without the guide. It's DNA's true dream for h2g2.

If anyone happens to read this *and* have thoughts on it, don't hesitate to reply.

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Latest reply: Dec 4, 2001

Until next time, George...

I, like so many others, am deeply saddened be the departing of George Harrison. I eagerly await his return. I believe we all do. I have no doubt that he will return, and that he (or she) will eventually recognize his (or her) place. That day the world will be even richer than before his passing.

Well, sir, we'll see you round the galaxy. Until next time, George, so long, and thanks for all the fish.

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Latest reply: Dec 2, 2001


I'm working on an entry on Thursdays. Check it out below. Any comments or useless facts appreciated smiley - smiley.

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2001

One last note

Just set my alarm for tomorrow.. it was set to ten am. God I miss vacation. Just three more weeks, three more weeks of school and that's it for 2001. About [EXPLETIVE DELETED] time. Good night, all.

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2001


Well here I am, ten o'clock on a monday night and I should probably be doing more homework. Oh, well, that will just have to wait. Too bad. Homework. Feh! Enough with the homework. Homework is a crutch for the weak! smiley - grr Till next entry.

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2001

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Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

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