This is the Message Centre for an empty stomach is an empty life

Hej Liz..

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2! smiley - smiley

I saw that you have problems with adding an entry to the Guide, I hope we can find out what's wrong soon!

I'm an Ace, one of the Guides official greeters. You can ask me or any other Ace for help if you have problems finding your way round the Guide or if you just want to talk. Read more about the Aces at smiley - smiley

I'm also a Guardian Angel. Like the Aces, we greet newcomers (but "unofficial") and try to help them, but we also have a lot of fun with each other. You can find our page here: - angel

It would be nice, if you'd change your researcher name, so you're more than just a number. Just click on the 'Preferences' button, and change your nick name...

Reading your page makes me want to give you some links for the h2g2 Musicians Guild, and the society for writers on h2g2, but I can't remember them right now, so I'll get back in a moment. I'll read your journal later. I haven't got time to read such a long entry now! smiley - erm

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about h2g2! ( - or anything else... smiley - biggrin)
Just click the 'reply' button, or come visit my page:

Have a donut! smiley - donut

See you around the Guide!
Ottox smiley - smiley

Salve Liz..

Post 2

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Greetings, felicitations, salutations, even 'hej' to you Liz smiley - tongueout

I'd just like to second Ottox's welcome. I'm another Ace.
It's great to see you've managed to use the journal, but I really would recommend changing your name.

:x -- a friendly smiley - ghost

Salve Liz..

Post 3


*waves at Spelugx*

I promised some links... smiley - winkeye

The H2G2 Literary Society,
h2g2 Musicians Guild,
The Music Website Jukebox,

So you're not intending to keep being 16? Tell us your birthday at
(If you were, you could join the Peter Panners Society at - winkeye)

More links at The Post Page of h2g2 Clubs and Associations,

As a member of the Classic Goo Fan Club (, I'd recommend you to use Goo instead of Alabaster! See how good your page will look: - biggrin

And finally - if you don't know how to use the smilies, just click on this one --> smiley - biggrin

smiley - smiley

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