This is the Message Centre for Candi - now 42!

An invitation for Candi!

Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - smileysmiley - hug Appologies if you've already said you can't make it, but I'm wondering round drumming up interest for the summer meet from those that attended the previous meets smiley - biggrin If you are interested, though you do seem to be very busy at the moment, then the meet is to be on the 10 July, and the page about the meet is at A2427013; from where you can sign up if you can/want smiley - hug Hope you can come again! smiley - smiley

An invitation for Candi!

Post 2

Candi - now 42!

Wow 2legs - smiley - biggrin Thanks for the reminder! I do want to come - I'll put myself down as a maybe - summer's such a busy time I'm reluctant to commit.. smiley - cheers

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