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Justin's World
Jordan Started conversation Apr 15, 2003
As eloquent a summary of Justin's beliefs as you can find. Enjoy.
On second thoughts, hate - so long as you can trust yourself to love the sinner.
- Jordan
Justin's World
Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist Posted Apr 15, 2003
Hi Jordan .
Where do you dig up these sad people?
What frightens me Jordan is that the quotes they use to justify their position are your scripture also. How do you justify your far more tolerant stance when faced with these words?
Matholwch, so glad to be an Apostate /|\.
Justin's World
Jordan Posted Apr 15, 2003
Hi Matholwch!
I find them almost by accident. I search for information on intolerance, and what do I find? Ta-da. I read them, I come to a conclusion.
And here it is. The WBC are nothing more than crass attention-seekers. It's like a Linkin Park song - 'hey, why don't we try and stir people up by using naughty swear-words, and crude language like "Chocolate Starfish"? Wow, that'll sell copies!' They're just trying to shock. However, some people (it seems) are seriously taken in by this, and thus we get Justin.
Of course, both this group and Justin's think they are the only true Christians, but the differences between them are marginal.
How do I justify my tolerance? Simple; I remember that the easiest thing to do is to hate, and the hardest is to love. It's not hard to read their message and see the scriptures as a meangerie of venom. A simple analysis shows that some key points are little more than wild misinterpretations.
For example, when Jesus says that 'he who is without sin [should] cast the first stone' he is not simply searching the souls of the onlookers. He does something more telling: he does not cast the stone! He is perfect and yet he refuses. He was bound by the same law as they were. If he casts no stone, then the law is changed.
And is it really likely that everyone there had committed adultery or worse? Come on! Besides, he said 'without sin'. Without: nought, nada, zero, zip!
"God does not hate them because they are homosexuals; they are homosexuals because God hates them."
Another common trick that Justin used - and he used it on you - was to claim sovereign control over certain words in the English language. People do this to convince themselves that other people have no idea about what they're talk about when they argue. It's the most dishonest, low-as-scum trick on the logical playing-field. If you convince people that your interlocutors can't even use language correctly, then you already have control over them - as the only person who uses these definitions.
They focus on homosexuals because they are cowards. It's disgusting! If there was another group in the population with such a bad rep, they would doubtless persecute them. They are an easy target.
Finally, there is plenty of proof that these people are hypocrites. Consider: they are thankful every time a gay person is murdered, and they consider them worthy of execution and hate. Yet, the two-faced bastards that they are, they say they would treat one investigating their church with kindness, and don't (to my knowledge) go around killing gay people. Oh. I see. So who's going to kill them? Since they consider themselves the only people fit to murder (everyone else is evil and going to hell) they should be carrying out the sentance. And yet, they do not. What stupidity!
Justin's World
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Dec 17, 2003
Hi, Jordan - please don't don't blame Linkin Park for the cr*p spouted by Limp Bizkit! (Chocolate Starfish etc...) Linkin Parfk are never so crass, and never use effing and blinding, crudity and the like! (I should know - Jimmy is such a Linkin Park freak, I know all of their songs by heart myself, as LP is maths-studying music)
I concur with your thoughtful analysis, I disagree only with your having mistaken Linkin Park with Limp Bizkit
Justin's World
Jordan Posted Dec 18, 2003
I agree, Felonious. Their latest plan, as I recall, was to erect a monument in the hometown of a teenage hate-crime victim with Leviticus 18:22: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.' Their activities are utterly disgusting, imagine if your son or daughter died and these people came over on their bus for a nice day out and a few hours of screaming 'your child is in hell!' What complete and utter perverts.
Hey Della, I now know the difference, but when I wrote this I was always getting the two confused! Linkin Park are brilliant, and I'm terribly sorry I got it wrong! I love 'My December,' have you heard it?
What dissonant paragraphs. Both entirely heartfelt, however.
- Jordan
Justin's World
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Dec 18, 2003
I love 'My December' - Jimmy has all the Linkin Park we can get - Meteora, Hybrid Theory, Reanimated and the latest, CD/DVD 'Live In Texas'. My current favourite is 'Numb', it'san insight into the way Jimmy often feels (and that last line is amazing)
....because/You were just like me/With someone disappointed in you
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Justin's World
- 1: Jordan (Apr 15, 2003)
- 2: Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist (Apr 15, 2003)
- 3: Jordan (Apr 15, 2003)
- 4: Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman (Dec 17, 2003)
- 5: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Dec 17, 2003)
- 6: Jordan (Dec 18, 2003)
- 7: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Dec 18, 2003)
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