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Impure Algebra

Post 1


Thought you might like this one. Add it to your collection (if you don't have it already).

let a = b = 1
.........a = b
.......a^2 = ab
...a^2-b^2 = ab-b^2
(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)
.......a+b = b
.......1+1 = 1
.........2 = 1

Isn't it lovely!

Impure Algebra

Post 2


Of course, if we want a collection, we can generate as many apparent paradoxes based on division by zero (the zero in this case being (a-b), since a=b, if anyone hasn't noticed) as we like.

Impure Algebra

Post 3


Well I did say it was impure!smiley - biggrin

Impure Algebra

Post 4


Division by zero is a wonderfully disgraceful technique with which to molest so-called 'pure' mathematics.

Try searching for the 'Banach-Tarski paradox,' it'll blow your mind. Easier to understand is Russell's paradox, which gave mathematicians such a headache that they changed set theory to accommodate it. And, according to Roger Penrose (of the famous 'Penrose tilings'), the new version of set theory is both inprecise and contrived.

smiley - sigh Don't you love mathematicians?

- Jordan

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