This is the Message Centre for Jordan


Post 1


Are you there lurking? I've missed seeing you around. Hope you are okay. smiley - hug

Have you been to the Sanctuary lately? Some news there. smiley - smiley



Post 2


smiley - whistle



Post 3


hi honey,

Have seen you a bit on the Moral Majority thread - how are you?

Planning to stick around for awhile?



Post 4


Hi Az!

I don't think I can cope with too many threads right now, I've got so much work that I can barely manage posting properly to one! smiley - smiley Aside from that and a few... other problems, I'm fine. Hoping to stay around for a while, though I might not be around when things start to get tough at Uni! smiley - smiley

And now... AZ!!! YOU AND NOGGIN? :D I KNEW it! In the sense of completely not knowing that something had happened, I knew it! smiley - wow

How long? I've not been checking up on things, so... gosh! How's it going?

And... [calms down] anything else I should know about?

Phew, I knew it was getting hot in that thread. It must have been the sexual tension. smiley - winkeye

That said, I really, really hope you're both still together, otherwise please disregard everything I just said. smiley - erm

- Jordan


Post 5


hi darling,

Nice to hear from you. How are things going in your life?

And yes - Me and Noggin!!! Great, innit? It's been 'going on' since last August, when he came here for a holiday. Then he decided to move here and see if he could build a life with me and also find work here. We shall see, but for now we are committed to spending 'a year and a day' together - NO MATTER WHAT - which is quite lovely. I love him totally to pieces!

Check out our holiday photos in Granada - Noggin took me there for my birthday last week. It was fab. And very romantic. smiley - loveblush

Meanwhile, would love to hear some news about you.



Post 6


Az, what precisely gives you the right to live in such a divine country, while the rest of us fester over here in a land where a three-piece suit is considered the height of fashion?

And then you put it all in photo-albums, so that we can all look on enviously. How cruel! smiley - cry

Your sadism aside - wow! Noggin is very fun to debate with, though sometimes I feel that if I had to spend more than a few hours with him, he would tear the logic in my brain to pieces, finally rending my feeble mind.

I guess I was wrong! smiley - winkeye

Where is he anyway? At your 'ha$ienda'? (I don't even know if there's an accent there, never mind trying to get it right!) If so, how far are you into the 'year and a day'?

My news isn't all that exciting. I've got a blog somewhere, but the information contained on it is a bit... sensitive. And, knowing how almost every thread on h2g2 is routinely lurked, and how easily personal information can be spread, I'm reluctant to post it.

So if you really want to know about my delusory world, I could email you the link, but it doesn't make for good reading! smiley - smiley

Weirdness aside, I'm genuinely having as much fun as it's possible to have right now. Which is good! smiley - smiley

So - where can I locate pictures of the lovely couple together? smiley - evilgrin

- Jordan


Post 7


hi cutie,

Sadistic? Moi?

I guess if you take into consideration the massive amount of F**KING WORK it took me to build up some semblance of a life here in Sevilla you wouldn't think it was just some stroke of luck that I am flaunting.

And now Noggin has landed in the middle of it all. And get this - HE gets to live on the most beautiful street in Seville, in a gorgeous flat with amazing views from all six balconies, and orange trees lining the street . . . and what did HE do to acheive all this? Ha!


He wouldn't dare. I have to admit that he *does* have a very 'sexy brain', but his massive intellectual abilities are also somehow balanced out by his very genuine 'nice guy' qualities. He really has no Big Ego thing happening. He says he simply has a gift for looking at things in a certain way. I also know that he is very fond of you (gawd knows why! smiley - winkeye ) and he was happy to hear that you were back in touch.

The 'year and a day' thing started on the equinox in September. We just thought this would be a nice time to make our vows to each other.

Meanwhile, I'm quite interested in seeing your blog thingy - so yes - please post it to me on an email, okay? I think you have my personal email address, if not you can use the one I have created for the h2g2 photo gallery.

Glad to hear you are having fun - BUT are you sleeping??? Some recent postings of yours I saw had been posted in the middle of the night (yes, I am watching!).

Anyhow, Noggin also says hello (we have it set up so both of us can be online at home at the same time on our separate computers - quite nice) and says he'll be in touch.


The only one I have shows me looking EXTREMELY FAT so I could send it to you by email, but I'm not about to post it publicly.

hasta soon,



Post 8


Blog? Where does this word blog come from?


Post 9



An internet savvy computer programmer not knowing where blog comes from? smiley - dohsmiley - winkeye


Post 10

Noggin the Nog


Hi guys. Nice to see you both back. Hope you're both getting on okay.

Yep. Now domiciled in sunny Sevilla with the lovely az, rather than in rainy old Llanelli. Bit of a culture shock on several levels, but I'm having a great time.



Post 11


Oh, Jordan, if you've listened to the Captain's Logs, you'll know I was wondering whether I'd be on a T.V. program.
The TV program is tonight (and tomorrow night) on BBC2 at 18:00.
You'll get to see some of my friends if you watch it, in any case!

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