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The Case of Ms Books

Post 1


Hey there, Jordan!

What do you mean about 'impure algebra' smiley - steam? No time to discuss it right now, but we'll talk about that later.

Anyway, as you suggested, I set to leave a message for Ms Books. Unfortunately, as she hasn't written a word about herself, I couldn't! So I decided I should leave you a message, and if you got enough of them maybe you could make her feel wanted and encourage her to contribute. Don't you think so?

smiley - cheers Toy Box.

The Case of Ms Books

Post 2


Excellent idea! If I get enough, I can send her an e-mail asking her to come and look at how many people want her to contribute to the community! smiley - biggrin Though not too many - that might scare her! smiley - winkeye

- Jordan

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The Case of Ms Books

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