This is the Message Centre for Jordan

Bye then...

Post 1


smiley - ok

H. hltb

Bye then...

Post 2


Oh, no! I only just saw this when I came looking intentionally for it! How frustratingly annoying and stuff!

I best put my e-mail address here in case Hoo ever swings back round to see our uninspiring little 'farewell' diatribes. Damnit, for the second time today! It's [email protected] - just a hotmail address, weird people feel free to e-mail as long as you don't send any spam. (I will hunt down and kill all spammers like the low-life scum they are.) Put 'H2G2 Person - ' then your name as the subject line if you do, please, then I won't say 'Arg! Spammmmmmmm...' as soon as I see it.

Did you get that, Hoo? It's my e-mail address - in case you get sick of reading and scanned down quickly. And I don't discuss e-mails except in e-mails, so I won't start some 'unofficial Hoovooloo postings' section - which would be just plain stupid, considering the circumstances. Perhaps you could tell me what the 'last straw' is, as agcBen calls it? I'd appreciate it. And discuss some points concerning that book, and a new article. And other stuff, not to do with the guide.

Yes, it's a longshot, thank-you for pointing that out to me. Especially after two weeks, yes, I'm perfectly aware of that. But you can't blame me for trying.

And if you read this but don't e-mail, even to say 'goodbye, I'm not writing any more e-mails,' - which would be pretty damn irritating - no, I'm not going to bother. You'll e-mail if you see it, and you won't if you don't or don't really care. So there it is. But it'd be nice, and I'd appreciate something to 'dilute the spam,' as my good friend Insight so nicely put it.

Love (or at least, regards)

- Jordan

Bye then...

Post 3


And there are no smileys. So sue me. Hope no one starts a cult on this. 'Hoovoolites'... scary.

- Jordan

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