This is the Message Centre for Jordan

Wake up sleepy head!!

Post 1

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Jordan smiley - angel.

We assume that you are up to your eyeballs in studenty-type stuff, but several of us are wondering if you are alright?

The JtP Fan Club.

Wake up sleepy head!!

Post 2


I'm awake, and now I'm going home!

Do you think I ought to write him an e-mail? Only, I think it would be better recieved than posting to his space... smiley - erm

- Jordan

Wake up sleepy head!!

Post 3


Who's worrying about me? Give them all a smiley - hug from me, won't you?

You all fuss so! smiley - winkeye I'm getting plenty of sleep, albeit at weird times... I'm also eating far too much, so I've been exercising somewhat obssessively at nights - yesterday I ate a whole pizza to myself, greedy so and so that I am! (Though I did offer a slice to everyone present...)

I won't be online regularily, I need to (a) write a technical manual for an unspecified device/program and (b) design a computer processor, with memory registers, adders and such from scratch in a day!

Is there a smiley? Well, we'll see together, shall we? smiley - smiley

- Jordan

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