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Hi Jordan

Post 1


Are you a Christian?


Hi Jordan

Post 2


Yup, I'm a Christian. A very confused Christian who wishes other Christians would admit that no, faith is /not/ rational, has strong beliefs in human rights and thinks that evolution is quite a good theory as theories go, but a Christian nevertheless. Why do you ask?

Umm... this will sound a bit silly, but - what are you? It /looks/ to me like you're an atheist (from your excellent postulation on the origins of God), but you can never tell...

- Jordan

Hi Jordan

Post 3


Hi Jordan,

"A very confused Christian who wishes other Christians would admit that no, faith is /not/ rational, has strong beliefs in human rights and thinks that evolution is quite a good theory as theories go, but a Christian nevertheless"

Hello friend! smiley - hug I agree, I agree and I agree. In that order smiley - winkeye

faith not rational - yes, by definition I would say.
human rights - New Internationalist sells a nice laminated copy of the UDHR 1948.
evolution - when Darwin first proposed his theory the church said, yes this is great. See how wonderful God is? And others said, no way we're descended from apes. Funny how things turn around, innit.

"Why do you ask?"

I'm interested in what background people come from. Also how their journey has led them to where they are now. Partly to see if I meet anyone who shares my own way.

"Umm... this will sound a bit silly, but - what are you?"

Not at all silly - it's a question I ask myself.

"It /looks/ to me like you're an atheist (from your excellent postulation on the origins of God), but you can never tell..."

"excellent postulation"?

My theory is not something I believe, rather a possibility to which I am open.

In an attempt to be clear:

To me, Jesus and Buddha are the greatest spiritual teachers who ever lived. Personally I rank them alongside each other; they had very different teaching styles in some ways but I think those were equally good.

I accept the teachings of each one, but I'm cautious about the sources of claimed sayings. For example, I don't believe that Jesus said "do not give what is holy to dogs nor cast pearls before swine". For pigs and dogs were Jewish terms of contempt for Gentiles and I don't believe Jesus would incite racial violence. More likely (I think) is that Matthew, writing for Jews, allowed his own prejudice to creep in. So I guess you would say that I accept the cores of their teaching but I'm perfectly happy to reject the periphery where I have doubts about the source.

I also have particular respect for Taoist philosophy, which I think has an important impact on Zen Buddhism in particular.

So I guess if a label is appropriate it would be a choice between Buddhist, Christian or Taoist. Or maybe something completely different which attempts to fuse them. Perhaps Taoist Christian comes closest (see the Jesus Sutras book), but a shame to lose the Buddhist bit.

I attend a Catholic Church each week; the Catholic tradition is that in which I was brought up.

If Insight is right in his view that belief in "Jesus' atoning sacrifice" is at the core of Christianity, then I guess I cannot call myself Christian - see the God thread, posts 665, 680, 1420. I know this view is common to many Christians.

As for whether or not I believe in God, again it's an open question for me. You'll have gathered that I have serious doubts about the existence of a personal God, but find the concept of "Godhead" appealing - cf post 1185.

So as to your question about what I am, I'd really appreciate your opinion on that. I think you probably have a good taste of my views from my postings in the God discussion. How would you describe me?

Thank you kindly,

smiley - zen

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