This is the Message Centre for Jordan

What happened was...

Post 1


I commented on an entry in Peer Review about Garfield.

Then I thought... "I should write one about Dilbert".

Then I thought... "Best check if there's already one in there."

Then I saw yours. Then I noticed it was, ahem, unfinished.

Then I thought... "I could finish it for him." So I have. You're credited as author, but you can't edit it. No biggie. Just go to and copy the GuideML from there and paste it into your own entry. Assuming you want my random scribblings at all of course!

I don't want to tread on toes here, I just wanted to write something this morning before kickoff, and this was it. Hope you like it. Are you thinking of putting it through Peer Review? I think you should. Anyway, laters...


What happened was...

Post 2


Since you're not about, I'm going to submit the Dilbert Entry to Peer Review and see what people think...


What happened was...

Post 3


Hi again!

Sure, you can submit it to Peer Review. I've procrastinated that article over and over, and I only feel that I made a modest start to it, and a shaky plan for its continuation, so I don't mind if you simply credit me as a contributor and declare yourself the author - or not at all, since you've put all the real meat into it. Thanks! smiley - biggrin
I've not been ignoring you or anything, I've just been unable to communicate because of half term - we don't have a computer at home, so I need to do everything at College. (I don't know how I'm going to cope over the Summer holidays...)
Anyway, you have the go-ahead. Good work! By the way, I think your style of writing is far better suited to Dilbert - it's much wittier and more concise, and I'm not at all good at telling jokes or getting a point across in a few lines. By the way, who's your favorite character? I like the garbage man (can I call him that?), though I'd really like to see the few appearances by Marilyn vos Savant.
Nice to hear from you again!

- Jordan

What happened was...

Post 4


smiley - blush witty, me?

Favourite character has to be... ooh. Hard choice. I love Dogbert - he's so amoral. Favourite Dilbert line ever is him saying "I've decided that it's what's on the outside that counts, because nobody can see what's on the inside." Dilbert observes "I never knew you were such a philosopher." and Dogbert sticks it in the back of the net with "That's exactly my point". Now THAT'S concise and witty.

Anyway, I'm here because your entry, which I only finished off, has now been picked, and sooner or later will be on the Front page, and your personal space will no longer have that embarrassing gap under "Most Recent Edited Entries". So congratulations! smiley - bubbly


What happened was...

Post 5


What? NOW? Gosh, I'd better get ready for the press conference...

Seriously, couldn't you at least be credited as author alongside me? You really did most of it.

Not much time to talk, at the moment. I'll need to wait till the weekend! NOOOO!!!

BTW, I think that I may have detected a big gap in the guide. Do you think that anyone would be interested in a project on revision for exams? I think it might be useful...

Anyway's, bye for now! And big, BIG thank-you for helping to fill the white gap... (yes, I use alabaster)

- Jordan

What happened was...

Post 6


I can't remember whether or not you've seen it, but here's a link just in case... it's a concentrated dose of Justin, so make sure you're sitting down...



What happened was...

Post 7


Oh, I've seen /and/ posted a reply to it! (Well, maybe more than one...)

- Jordan

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