This is the Message Centre for Jordan


Post 1


A fellow A-level candidate... I'd just thought I'd pop by and say hi. I'm VIP, bored, wishing I wasn't doing physics and glad that Birmingham calls next year... well, if I get ABB... which I _SHOULD_ get... but who knows...

Oh, and GuideML isn't that scary, promise... pictures are fun...

Anyway. If you want to say hi, reply, if you don't I won't be offended.

smiley - tongueout


smiley - fairy


Post 2



A fellow student! Yay!

smiley - smiley

I can't do pictures yet... Haven't had the time to look it up smiley - sadface!

I'm doing Physics, Maths & Further Maths and Psychology. My advice to possible Psychology students is 'Just say "No".'

- Jordan


Post 3


All four- I dropped Chemistry long ago! I nearly took furthur maths, but is clashed with music. And music is _FAR_ more important!!


Post 4


Sorry about my taking ages to reply - I'm a procrastinator through and through!

Personally, I like classical music (because it's better! Yes, it is!), but I like most stuff that makes sense (i.e. doesn't rely solely on a drum and screaming to get its message across/the words aren't just there for decoration).

So you're going to Birmingham - what's it like? I thought about it, but I know where I want to go (Cambridge! Yay! smiley - bigeyes) - and it's gorgeous!

Sorry if I sound a bit out-of-tune, but I'm feeling somewhat dazed and I can't seem to get my sense of humour on... smiley - erm

- Jordan


Post 5


Sorry about my taking ages to reply - I'm a procrastinator through and through!

Personally, I like classical music (because it's better! Yes, it is!), but I like most stuff that makes sense (i.e. doesn't rely solely on a drum and screaming to get its message across/the words aren't just there for decoration).

So you're going to Birmingham - what's it like? I thought about it, but I know where I want to go (Cambridge! Yay! smiley - bigeyes) - and it's gorgeous!

Sorry if I sound a bit out-of-tune, but I'm feeling somewhat dazed and I can't seem to get my sense of humour on... smiley - erm

- Jordan


Post 6


No! Doublepost! Aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiieeeeeee... smiley - sadface


Post 7


Mmm. Classical music just makes sense. Plus it won't be forgotten about in two minutes.


Post 8


And it can boost your IQ, which is more than Britney Spears will do to her audiences!


Post 9


Hehe... how true!!


Post 10


At this juncture, fans of Britney Spears who saw her 'clothes' at that award ceremony may choose to comment that it's not IQ's that she intends to get up... smiley - erm

[Innuendo shields at full power...]

On an *entirely* unrelated note, what's Birminham like?

- Jordan


Post 11


I can but agree with you- I didn't see the 'clothes' but I gather they were just that little bit to small to still class as clothes!

Birmingham- I love it! The University is outside the city centre, but only about five minutes by train, and the campus is green and leafy, based around a central square. The music departmant is really good, with the concert hall being as it is.

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