This is the Message Centre for Jordan

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Post 1

The Theory

Hey welcome to h2g2... where is that Library Games article? I'm curious...
Anyway, I'm fairly new here too, and one of the coolest things of this site is getting responses to your personal page (even if it is about NOTHING...)
If you have any questions, you can ask me, though I may not know the answer.



Post 2


Hi there!

Yep, you're right, it is cool to get messages... (I think I still have an e-mail monkey!) The library games article is actually called "Games for Playing Whilst Bored in School Libraries", and can be found at:-

Thanks for offering to help (so nice!). The site is quite easy to navigate, but I can get lost on an escalator, so I'll remember to ask if I come across a stumper.

I had better start working. Psychology - yuck! I want to sleep...

Your's Drowsily,



Post 3

The Theory

Thanx for the link... I enjoyed thoroughly (I work at a library at school for an hour each day... so this was a little bit of help)


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