This is the Message Centre for Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Hi to LSF!

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

hey, nice page, I've bookmarked it so I can reference the information.

I can't, however, believe that anyone on this earth can enjoy peppermint tea. Bleuch. smiley - winkeye (I prefer Red bush)

Anyway, saw you in the drool thread, and thought I'd be nosey and find out about you, and I'm really glad I did.
smiley - kiss

Hi to LSF!

Post 2

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Hi there...welcome to my space!

I'm glad you like my little corner here...don't get too many visitors round here.

Fancy a smiley - coffee of peppermint tea..... smiley - biggrin
I'm drinking one as we speak! I have to admit I was 'won over' on the peppermint tea front due to being married to a health freak (long gone now...smiley - ok) who insisted it was *good* for me...but now I've come to love it.

I don't even want to think about the psychological implications of that notion......smiley - online2long

Hi to LSF!

Post 3

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Don't think I've ever been bookmarked before... smiley - blush

smiley - biggrin

Hi to LSF!

Post 4

Sho - employed again!

heh heh heh

I live in Germany, peppermint tea is a biggie here. And I have to admit that after I had my gruesome twosome, I did keep a pot of it on the go all day, as a relief from drinking what they call "Milchbildungstee" which is herbal tea designed to stimulate milk production. Actually, you probably know all about it, but if not I can try to dig out the recipe. You just go to the chemist and they make it up from all the herbs they keep there. Very strange experience. Chemists here are very high tech lookig, but they sell loose herbs for tea.

oops. Bit of a ramble.

Anway, if you don't mind, I'll poke around your space a bit, looks like you've had some interesting convos.

Hi to LSF!

Post 5

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Feel free to wander around my needs updating though !

Germany seems quite forward thinking in its use of herbs (or should that be backward thinking?) - if you still have the recipie for that milk production tea, I could pass it on to a friend of mine who is due to have her first child any day now, ta smiley - biggrin
I know of a few herbs that can do this, but the more I know the merrier I am!

Are you German born or did you move there? *being nosey now*


Hi to LSF!

Post 6

Sho - employed again!

I'm a Brit living here after I left the Army.

Oh, I should say, that I was one of about two veggie hippy types in the army at the time smiley - winkeye

Um....the tea, it is 6 herbs, one of which was.... ah, I'm getting it mixed up. One tea was for when you were pregnant, I'll look that up for you too, in case you know any other pregnant persons. It didn't taste too bad.

Then, of coures, there was the rasperry leaf yukky stuff in the last three weeks (rasperry leaf is one of the 6 in the pregnancy tea)

I can't remember a thing about the other. I'll look. Does sage sound at all likely?

It's odd, though. The Germans are so into high tech, but they love "alternative therapy" if the kids get a temperature, it's not straight to the Calpol (which you can't get here) but they wrap their lower legs (and chest if it's really high) in cool damp towels. Stuff like that. You should come over and have a poke round sometime.

Hi to LSF!

Post 7

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Not sure about the sage - maybe for late pregnancy *opens books*
as sage is a uterine and hormonal stimulant in high doses. A bit like raspberry leaf tea then - good in the last few weeks before birth to help things along.

I might just come over to Germany to take a look - a girl I met in Australia last year lives there and keeps asking me to visit.

*looking forward to poking around and seeing what I can find....but not being able to speak German might be a problem...*

Hi to LSF!

Post 8

Sho - employed again!

I can't really remember any of the ingredients, and I can't get to a chemist for a while for the milk stimulating tea (which sounds so much nicer in German: Milchbildungstee)

Hang on to your hat: I'm sitting here drinking peppermint tea. And my worst suspicions are confirmed. I think it's yukky. Still, being a Yorkshirewoman I'm not going to waste it!!

Off to terrorise the kids about the writing on their faces... do you know any oils that aid sleep (for kids)? apart from lavender, which gruesome #2 doesn't like.

Hi to LSF!

Post 9

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

You're drinking peppermint tea?! smiley - yikes

You could try chamomile oil for your little 'un. Also chamomile tea if you can get it down them - maybe sweetened with honey?

I'll look into the oils, and I'll post anything interesting I find here.


Hi to LSF!

Post 10

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Had a look online for essential oils that aid sleep.

smiley - sleepyLSF

Hi to LSF!

Post 11

Sho - employed again!

Oh thanks. I'll have a good peruse. My #2 gruesome seems never to want to sleep. And quite often ends up very wound up at bedtime.

Hi to LSF!

Post 12

Sho - employed again!

Oh thanks. I'll have a good peruse. My #2 gruesome seems never to want to sleep. And quite often ends up very wound up at bedtime.

Hi to LSF!

Post 13

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

You could try massaging your snotling's feet before bedtime - especially on the sole on the point between the balls of the feet.
Also the lobes of the ears; and the point about 3 fingers' width (of your snotling, not your finger width) above the wrist crease on the inside of the arm on the little finger side.

I'm going to try and find a link to a picture of these points, if I manage to find one, I'll post it here.

Hi to LSF!

Post 14

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Had any joy with getting your snotlings off to the land of nod more easily?

Hi to LSF!

Post 15

Sho - employed again!

Me? Welllll the little one now sleeps 2 nights out of 3 all the way through. #1 has always been like me, can't wait to get to bed,and is so like a teenager (at the age of 5) when it comes to getting up that it's hilarious.

I've been trying that Johnson's bath stuff with lavender (since I ran out of the Lush Ickle Baby Bath) and I'm not sure if it's that or the fact that she's running around all day playing at the moment that's helping.

How's your friend's baby now?

Hi to LSF!

Post 16

Sho - employed again!

btw... just read your page again. Tiger Balm... that brought memories back. My parents met at the Tiger Balm garden in Singapore, many years ago.

I swear by the stuff, it's brilliant, in fact I don't know which I use more, tiger balm or Tea tree oil

Hi to LSF!

Post 17

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Blimey this convo got buried! smiley - doh

So are you a fan of the extra hot smiley - yikes red tiger balm, or the more sedate white variety??

*decides to spruce up my space with a bit of smiley - holly for smiley - santa*

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