This is the Message Centre for Dreamweaver

Welcome Dreamweaver...

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2smiley - cheerup. I'm Batty, one of the h2g2 ACEs (Assistant Community Editors). Dreamweaver is quite the name. And an interesting story. Question is do you have a thing for smiley - spiders? Cherokee tradition says that the smiley - spider is the weaver of dreams. smiley - biggrin

Below are a few links you might find useful. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance or just wish to chat. Click on my name above to go to my page and leave me a message, or just reply to this one.

- The Welcome page:
- A Special Welcome from Douglas Adams:
- DNA's own homespace, as he was very involved in h2g2 during his life (it includes lot's of links):
- Browse H2G2:
- The ACEs Homepage:
- The smiley - cool Smileys Page (more than just smileys):
- If you would like to learn to code your pages to look really great, go to the GuideML Clinic:
- If English isn't your primary language, try the Terran Embassy:

As if this wasn't plenty, here is Shea's Links Page: (why bother to create one of my own when Shea did such a great job?smiley - biggrin)

smiley - cheers

smiley - bat

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Welcome Dreamweaver...

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