This is the Message Centre for Queen Mab
Nice to Meet You Queen Mab...
Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent Started conversation Nov 11, 2001
Welcome to H2G2
Here's a nice hot cup of to drink while you read!
I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) one of a group of people who welcome new researchers.
This is the ACEs Homepage It will tell you all about us and what we do here on H2G2.
To help you get started, just click on this
and it will take you to my Page of Links, where there are lots of links to interesting and fun places within the guide.
If you want to know how to do the smileys, just click on this one...... And it will take you to the smiley page, where you can find out all about them!
If you have any questions, or just want to chat, click the reply button under this message. Or pop by my homepage..just click on my name. Don't worry if it takes you a while, I have lots of
to keep me going!
In short, wander around a bit, read the entries and conversations, and if you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask for help! Honest, I don't fact, I like it when people talk to me....go on, you know you want to.....please?????
Hope you enjoy the guide as much as we do
Nice to Meet You Queen Mab...
Queen Mab Posted Nov 12, 2001
<SMILEY TYPE="ale"/>Cheers for the welcome!! And for the Smiley guidence - I was beggining to think that they moved in of their own accord at some point!
I'm going to whizz off now and have a look at some of the pages you recomended!! I'll visit you soon <SMILEY TYPE="biggrin"/>
Queen Mab
<SMILEY TYPE="magic"/>
Nice to Meet You Queen Mab...
Queen Mab Posted Nov 12, 2001
<SMILEY TYPE="ale"/>Cheers for the welcome!! And for the Smiley guidence - I was beggining to think that they moved in of their own accord at some point!
I'm going to whizz off now and have a look at some of the pages you recomended!! I'll visit you soon <SMILEY TYPE="biggrin"/>
Queen Mab
<SMILEY TYPE="magic"/>
Nice to Meet You Queen Mab...
Queen Mab Posted Nov 12, 2001
Oh God oh god oh god - My computer is freaking out and I obviously got the whole smiley thing wrong (hangs head in shame) oh well . . . Back to the drawing board I suppose!!!
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Nice to Meet You Queen Mab...
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."