This is the Message Centre for filmcon


Post 1

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Hello and welcome to H2G2 filmcon!

This is not an automated message!

I'm Spacecadet, or SC, or Jack, or thing if you like! I'm an <./>ACE</.> (Assistant Community Editor) and I'll attempt to answer any questions you have.
Smileys smiley - smiley Click on them to see more of the little fellas!

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - magicsmiley - cakesmiley - huhsmiley - runsmiley - nahnahsmiley - somersaultsmiley - yikessmiley - tomato

Here are a few links to get you started:
<./>dontpanic</.> help centre
<./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> Welcome page!
I am new what do I do - A868098
H2G2 tour- A317459
Step up to GuideML - Spicing up your User Page - A690518 To make your "User space" more interesting, add pictures etc!

GuideML is also used for entries for the Edited Guide

If you have any ideas for an entry to submit to the guide get writing using the 'write an entry'button but please keep in mind these <./>writing-guidelines</.>

If you think your entry qualifies then submit it to <./>Peerreview</.>

<./>thepost</.> Is the weekly paper of this site with cartoons and quizes smiley - thepost and <./>askh2g2</.> Will put your questions to the whole community, anything from how to catch a loose budgie or how to say something in Chinese, someone is bound to know!

Click on anyones username to see their page and leave them a message if you like! If there is anything I may be able to help you with, just leave me a message.

Enjoy this mad site,

Spacecadet Jack x

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