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Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 141


smiley - bigeyesYes. Chocolate chip cookies.
Dozens and dozens of fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies.
Wish I could send you some over the ethersmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star
Drat! That didn't work did it?smiley - flustered

I also made chocolate brownies, oatmeal raisin cookies and lemon curd bars. Along with tuna salad, roast beef and turkey sandwiches. Potato crisps and pretzels. Iced tea, colas, and lemonade.
I'm watching the firefighters and neighbours devouring all of this as I speak.

smiley - yikesI didn't want the firemen to make a food orgy of this!
I hope they'll be able to resume work after oversating themselves.
What have I done?!!!

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 142


Lemon curd bars?! Oatmeal raisin cookies?! Tuna?! Turkey sandwiches?! Potato crisps?! Cola?! Lemonade?! smiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - biggrin You make all the food that I love the most! You could definitely come over and cook for me whenever you wanted! It would be a welcomed change from the food I normally get! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 143


smiley - laughYou're soooooo easy to please!
I'd gladly cook for you any day.smiley - ok
You should see the things it takes to please my mum, brother and other guests that frequent my place. They go to 4 star restaurants and ask me to replicate what they fancied there!
smiley - ermFool that I am, I usually oblige.
I enjoy cooking. I like culinary challenges. I just don't like thesmiley - skull cleaning up afterwards!

Oooooh a deer just walked by my kitchen window!smiley - bigeyes
I have a feeling that they're drinking water from my backyard bird bath.
I'd better go and refill it if that's the case...smiley - run

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 144


I was very good at cooking in secondary school. I made some wonderful stuff, including a huge mint flavoured flapjack, cookies, cakes etc. I enjoyed it as well! Unfortunately, my operation two years ago prevented me from taking the exam in cookery, but who needs an exam grade if you've still got the skills? smiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 145


smiley - laughI hope you keep up with those skills! Everyone around me makes quite sure that I keep up with mine!*readjusts her chef's toque to the appropriate jaunty angle*

smiley - eurekaYou could write a Cyborgsmiley - chef cookbook!
Then you could go on and have your own television cooking show.
Open up restaurants in London, New York and Betelgeuse!
You'd become asmiley - star galactic celebrity superstar smiley - starand we'd never see you on hootoo again!

Nevermindsmiley - erm

I've got to go feed more lunch to ravenous people who are wildly beckoning me outside. I expect you're off to tea yourself!
So, see you in a bit!smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 146


Yes I could have my own cook book or celebrity chef show on TV! I could cook gumblejack steak from the star system known as the Madillon Cluster, raak potato with brendelthene soup from the planet Ravalox, marsh minnows from the planet Thoros-Beta, or fish and chips from Earth! Not that the folks on Earth would be very impressed by mere fish and chips, but in the star system of Veta Fifteen I'd be up there with the biggest and richest chefs in that star system (they don't have fish and chips you see)!

However, you are quite right, the lure of h2g2 would be too strong to ignore for very long, and I would find myself making very frequent trips to Earth so that I could access the site and tell people (like you) of my travels and my success as an intergalactic chef!

I think my millennia served in the service of intergalactic knowledge and wisdom will keep me occupied enough without additional pressures! It was a fantastic thought though! smiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - hug

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 147


smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - grovelLong may your intergalactic knowledge and wisdom grace the environs of h2g2!

smiley - bigeyesMmmmmmmmm...gumblejack steak and raak potatoes sound mighty fine!
*shakes herself back to smiley - earth* What did you have for tea tonight?
The firefighters stream in and out in a peaceful enough manner. I'm going to have to do some more baking, however. The cookies have been pretty popular with them. They've positively smiley - puffinhaled them!
They are sprawled out around my pool like they're at a resort except for all the smoke gear strewn all about and the crackly static of their communication equipment.
smiley - laughShould I break out the camera?

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 148


I think you should seriously consider taking a few sneaky photos out of the corner of the window! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - cool

For my tea this evening I had a takeaway, which consisted of chicken burger and chips with two yoghurts for pudding, and lemonade to drink. It was lovely! smiley - biggrin I feel nice and full up now...

I'm sure the firefighters were delighted with your cookies! If I could taste them through the ether I'm sure I'd be delighted with them too! smiley - ok

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 149


Tea sounded pretty good, too! smiley - cool
When you have takeaway food, do you pick it up or do they deliver?
I love to have things delivered... when I have the time to wait.

Too bad we only have smiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - teasmiley - alesmiley - strawberriessmiley - milksmiley - bubblysmiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - cheesecakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - milksmiley - oj and whatever else I've never used as a smiley here to send over the ether!

smiley - cheerupI'm going to have to do my best to concoct a special ether cookie recipe I can bake and send to you!*puts on her thinking cap*

I've got my camera ready.smiley - evilgrin My subjects are within range now...

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 150


I have my food delivered. They've delivered to me so many times before they now know to come round the back and knock on the window so I can just carry on watching TV while I collect the food! smiley - biggrin

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 151


smiley - laughNow THAT'S service!
You should be getting frequent customer bonuses anyway if they're on such
familiar terms with you like that!smiley - cool

smiley - eurekaI got out my camera and one of the firemen whisked it away from me...
smiley - blushand now I've got 16 group shots of me and the 12 man crew!

smiley - erm We're not suposed to be having this much fun in the middle of the wildfire are we?

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 152


Everyone deserves a bit of fun once in a while.

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 153


smiley - dohOh?
Maybe so!smiley - smiley

Do you know,I was thinking... I would have been in San Francisco today and tomorrow doing that performance if I hadn't backed out of it last week?
It worked out all for the good that I did cancel.
Who would have thought that a wildfire would be blazing in my backyard a week later?
Thanks for helping me make that excellent decision!smiley - coolsmiley - hug

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 154


You're very welcome. smiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - hug

I'm off to bed now. It's 2.30 in the morning here and I need my sleep. At least the builders won't be round at 8.30 to wake me up early! I can have a nice lie-in! I'm not entirely sure whether I'll be online tomorrow or not as I have some more Maths coursework to be getting on with and I may not have time to get online and chat to people. So I apologise in advance if I don't come online, and hopefully I'll speak to you again on Sunday if I don't come online before then!

Speak to you soon! Take care. Goodnight! smiley - biggrin

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 155


Good night,then!!!smiley - biggrin
Have a nice lie-in and sweet dreams!
smiley - hugsmiley - smooch
smiley - orangebutterfly

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 156


Thank you. You too. Goodnight (again!).

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 157


smiley - musicalnoteGoodnight, goodnight sweet cyborg,
The world has more for you
Than it seems
Goodnight, goodnight
Let the moonlight take the lid off your dreams...smiley - musicalnote

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 158


Hello Cynthesis!

How are you today? I'm doing very well and I have been working on my Doctor Who script, "Child of the Mandragora," for most of the day. I decided to leave my Maths coursework until tomorrow as I'd rather be getting on with writing my script. smiley - biggrin

Unfortunately I've run into some difficulties with the dialogue of the script so I've decided to leave it for this evening and carry on with it once I've got the dialogue sorted out in my head. So I thought I'd come online and chat to you to see how you are and so on.

That little song you wrote late last night was very well written and brilliantly structured, with great rhythm. Well done! smiley - biggrinsmiley - applause

Anyway I hope your weekend is going really well so far! smiley - biggrin

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 159


Good evening CYBERHUMAN!

Lovely to see you here tonight!smiley - biggrin
I don't blame you for leaving that nastysmiley - skullMaths coursework aside for the evening.A concrete lined nuclear waste receptacle sunk fathoms deep on the ocean floor would probably be a fitting grave for it someday...soon.
smiley - grovelOh praise the day when it comes around!

Yes, dialogue needs time to flourish when it doesn't flow when you summon it. Time on h2g2 might just do the trick. Good excuse, anyway, to hear from you.smiley - ok

My day has been spent cleaning up soot and fire related damage to my outdoor landscaping. I'm getting pretty accurate with my aim with a high pressure water hose attachment. I hit my smiley - monsterbig bro 100 yards away and made him dance rather sprightly!
He still took me out to lunch today for prime rib at a carvery this afternoon. He claimed that I looked smoked out, sleepless and anemic from the past couple of days. Ever the mad paleontologist,his remedy consisted of gnawing slabs of bloody bovine flesh and indulging in dry, dusty fossil talk at a restaurant filled with dessicated antlers and dead elk heads mounted on dark walls for decor to revive his fire vanquished sibling.

Thesmiley - monsterbig bro just left. That's why it's taking so long to post this to you. I can only talksmiley - geekPaleolithic so long before my brain seizes up on me. Thank goodness he smiley - monster took the hint and rumbled off when I told him I needed to get this off to a cyborg soon..
You've just rescued me from what could have been permanent mind numbness! Thank you!smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug
Other than flinging aside thesmiley - skullMaths and waiting for a dialogue muse to tap you on the shoulder...smiley - huh How has your day been so far?
What's the news on the bathroom renovations saga?smiley - biggrin

Unrestrained, Still Struggling

Post 160


Happy to be of service in getting you away from suffering mind numbness! smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

Sounds like you've had a very interesting day! The bathroom renovations will be complete once the single builder comes round to put the finishing touches to the bathroom, but he hasn't been round yet so we're playing a waiting game... smiley - biggrin

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