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Random Acts of Kindness

Post 1


Hya AR1. Would be interested in your comments on A806122


smiley - star

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 2

Also ran 1

Hi dear smiley - star,

Well I printed your little piece, and I have been thinking about it ever since.

I think that it is a splendid idea. I am just a little confused because first of all we are reuqested to do our RAK anonymously - which is an excellent idea. then we are asked to do things to those around us. Both are excellent ideas and I think both ideas should be followed.

Could you not - with your contacts, get the media to publicise this? If there was a great big wave of RAK coming fomr every little corner of our globe the effect would be nothing short of miraculous.

Some things I thought of would be

1. When driving, to let someone in when they are waiting patiently and unable to continue their journey until someone does let them in.
And smile and wave at the person.!

2. If someone looks nice tell them so. I know this is much easier and less threatening and easier to do if one is in a wheelchair, but obviously choose those who will not feel threatened if you do pay them a compliment.

3 If someone does something for you say thank you as if you really mean it. and also say how much it means to you to have that done for you.

4 Hopefully I shall think of other things, but all the things suggested in the article are great.

As for your suggestion about writing about schizophrenia. I have written so much about it. Each time it breaks my heart. But if it is of any help to anyone else then I shall try again. But there appear to be so many rules that I have to learn about and which I appear to be unwittingly breaking each time I launch out into something new that I am rather wary of trying again.

Also how does one write about such a personal thing without using the personal pronoun?

Am off to Newquay at the end of the month for a week. And I am looking forward to it.

Greetings and smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 3


Use the personal problems with that. And no problems with grief and emotion either.

I do understand how you feel. And no worries and no pressure from this end.

I've actually replied to this on the other thread (just like you did!) ...but I'd really appreciate it if you could copy and paste your answer about RAK to the main thread (I can do it for you if you like - I know you're not a wizz-kid!! smiley - smiley).

I am going to try and publicise RAK But thanks for the back-up. We'll see if anyone bites.

smiley - magic

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 4

Also ran 1

Hi shining smiley - star

I would love it if you cut and pasted it. by the time I do i9t it will take ages!!.

I have been mentioning it to lots of people and all are most impressed with the idea. I shall also send it to all my family abroad.

smiley - hugs Ar1 smiley - schooloffish

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 5


Done! It's on /F96413?thread=207084&post=2355201#p2355201


Random Acts of Kindness

Post 6

Also ran 1

Hi smiley - star

I can't seem to be able to hone in on it? I wonder why?

smiley - hug

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 7


Try A806122 and go down to the discussions


Random Acts of Kindness

Post 8

Also ran 1

Dear smiley - star

I did that. Thanks so much. Although I was intrigued with the heading "Cute". Random acts of Kindess seems to be meeting with great acceptance everywhere.

Shea tells me that she is busy with a big task on the effects of Setpember 9th. I am going to post her and tell her about your effort.

I would have loved to have met you at the Meet. Perhaps next time. a big smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 9


smiley - hug

smiley - magic

smiley - star

smiley - smiley

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 10


Do take a look at this thread: It's got one of the loveliest love stories I've ever come across: it's the one by Bernadette (not the bit about the chicken nuggets!).


Post 11


Hi AR1! smiley - smiley

I was wondering if you could tell me something about the first flight of the autogyro: because on 360 is a guy who is going to attempt to fly around the world in one, and we need lots of different things to chat about: but first we have to know some things smiley - smiley

Thanks very much,


Random Acts of Kindness

Post 12


Hi AR1. How amazing! Barry Jones is on U202853 - and he's going to do the flight round the world as a 360 mission - so it's a big thing for us!

In fact his gyrocopter is the one on the 360 logo.

Don't worry if you don't have time before your hols on Thurs - but it would be great if you'd go across to Barry's space and just say hi.


smiley - star

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 13

Zantic - Who is this woman??


Are you still around? Pop over and say hello...or are you giving me my own treatment? smiley - wah

smiley - devilsmiley - scientistsmiley - towel

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 14


Hi Zantic smiley - smiley

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 15

Also ran 1

Hi my dear little smiley - devilsmiley - scientist

Yes I am just . We leave for Newquay on Thursday for a week and I am really looking forward to it. Sadly thought K. has not been at all well. I only hope that it is not the result of his medication. You probably know the one I mean because it can affect the white blood corpuscles. As he is probably the one person in the world who has been on it the longest, there is a strong possibility that he might at last have succumbed. Anyway I took him to the doc. this afternoon. they have taken blood and hope to be able to give me the result tomorrow. It might mean a change in medication and this one really agreed with him. so many of them are awful.

I shall be rushinbg around tomorrow so will not be able to chat again, but be a good researcher and do lots of wonderful things in the next week.

A fond smiley - hug AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 16


Hi AR1 smiley - smiley

Have a good time, and I hope that your friend gets better soon smiley - smiley

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 17

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Heyla freindlywithteeth.

Dearest AR!.. Hope K gets better soon, and that it's nothing more han a low grade viral infection (sometimes that can be the case)

Have loads of fun on hols and don't do anything I woldn't (leaving you with a large range of options... smiley - winkeye )

Think of your freindly smiley - devil as I am hip deep in work and can't find the time to have fun at the moment... smiley - emptysmiley - sadface

Luv and smiley - hugs

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 18


Hi Zantic!

I hope work isnt taking up too much time! smiley - smiley

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 19

Zantic - Who is this woman??

FAR too much time......I can only get in here for one pst at a time! smiley - yikessmiley - run

Random Acts of Kindness

Post 20


What do you do?

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