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Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 9, 2002
Hi there AR1!
It turns out we *do* have something to do this weekend! We got tickets for the New York Islanders hockey game on Sunday at work. I work for a newspaper, and they're sponsoring the game ... it's hockey stick day (I assume they're giving hockey sticks to the kids with "Islanders" and "Newsday" emblazoned on them). What's so great is that the seats are in the luxury box! So we get the cushy seats overlooking everything with free food and parking! It should be fun!
It does seem rather silly to do a hip replacement when you're set against it. Hip replacements can cause a lot of trouble. I know TJ's mom had them done, and now she has to have them *redone*! Seems they don't last as long as they should. *sigh* You have to do what you feel is right. If you're able to get by with things they way they are, you should be allowed to keep it that way. Are you in much pain from your hips?
I'll keep you in my prayers, as always, and hope they let you stay as you like. I'll also pray that they can help your hands.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Also ran 1 Posted Nov 9, 2002
Hi my dear Shea
I have just lost my first letter to you as I tried to edit it in the wrong place!!.
Thank you for the good wishes. How lovely to be VIP at a super hockey match Enjoy it both of you.
One final point about my hips.(very boring subject) No they no longer hurt - neither do my feet - which hurt for years. Now I occasionally have sore knees, but it is my hands which are being awkward. All symptoms are following the typical psoriatic arthritis pattern. I am a member of the American National Psoriatic Foundation and it seems that this particular kind of arthritis has only been identified within the last ten years. It is very rare and is an auto immune illness unlike osteo-arthritis.
I am so sorry to hear about TJ's mother and having to have more operations. That is really bad luck. I wish her well.
I had a surprise visit from our diocesan Bishop last night. I nearly fainted when I went to the front door and our Parish Priest suhered him in. But more about that lovely visit later.
Enjoy your lovely weekend - I hope you will not be too cold.
Your ing friend AR1
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 11, 2002
Hi AR1
I hate losing letters! When I know it's going to be a long one, I sometimes write it in a notepad program, then copy and paste it into the conversation. When I remember, that is.
We had a lot of fun at the hockey game, and got back in time for TJ to get to work. He works on Sundays, but doesn't start until 6pm, so we get most of the day together. He may be getting new hours starting next year, and may have Saturdays and Sundays off, instead of Fridays and Saturdays. That would be wonderful! We'd have a whole weekend together!
I never heard of psoriatic arthritis. Since it's an auto immune illness, can anything be done? I know there's not a lot that can be done for osteo-arthritis besides pain management.
TJ's Mom has lots of health problems, and uses a motorized wheelchair to get around mostly now. She can still walk enough to get around the house without assistance, but that's about it. Luckily, she was feeling well enough to dance with TJ for a few minutes at our wedding.
I can't imagine getting a visit from the Bishop! Ours is going to be in town this weekend for confirmations. Should I vacuum, just in case?
When you get a chance, I'd love to hear about your visit. Maybe you can write about it in your fanclub, so we can all read it at once.
I wasn't cold at all this past weekend! It's been around 70 the last few days! It's going to get cool again, but it was nice this weekend! The leaves were at peak, and the weather was lovely. It's raining now, but at least it held off.
Take care!
Also ran 1 Posted Nov 12, 2002
Hi dear Shea
Hoover and dust!! My poor Bishop did not even appear to notice. I had to move tons of stuff from the chairs for him to be able to sit down!
I shall do as you suggest and write it either in my journal or AR1FFC.
Had a good visit to the surgeon yesterday. He wants to send me post haste to a rheumatologist as he was horrified by my hands/My friends on 360 have suggsted oil of lavender as a help and so a friend has mixed it with some grapeseed oil and that does appear to give some relief.
How marvellous tht TJ's Mum was well enough to have a fling at your wedding. My son bought me some shares in Eurtunnel years ago. I had forgotten all about it so paid the full fare last week when Shiv and I went. I have now received some really super post thanking me for having used the tunnel. They also informed me that as a shareholder
I was entitled to all sortsw of benefits. I am really thrilled about it and feel that I really must make use of them. If only I could get my poor K. a passport.
With much AR1
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 13, 2002
Hi AR1
Bishops are supposed to be nice about not noticing things like that, aren't they?
I hope the rheumatologist can help your hands. Do you rub the oil on your hands, or ingest it?
I'll have to mooch off you the next time I need to use the chunnel. I'll keep you posted.
I'm just popping in here in between projects at work. I'll write more when I have more time.
Also ran 1 Posted Nov 22, 2002
Very dear shea
I have been so negligent. But I have been literally a prisoner in my own room since Monday when the kitchen fitters came. It has been a very stressful time as I have made some boo-boos and have signed papes which I should not have signed - taking the people and the drawings on trust. And this is a cardinal sin. the result is that my poor son has had a devil of a job trying to sort things out for me.
No the oil is rubbed onto my hands. I have just downloaded a vast amount of material from the National Psoriasis Association of america. They are so well up in Psoriatic Arthritis. And it would appear that I am just an ordinary typical case of the illness. If only it had been treated. Fortunately I think that it was a miracle that I was not well enough to have the double hip replacements as that would have really not been advisable.
You are so busy. I have been over to your Fan Club and have been intrigued with the goings on which I cannot follow as I have not looked back on it.!!! I wonder if you are going to have a quiet weekend. You must have had a dreadful shock when you had that "brief" encounter with that man walking in the middle of the street in the middle of the night. Horrid experience.
It has started to get very cold and the heating is not working properly as all the various things have been swithed off in the house at odd times.
Fond to you and TJ AR1
I have not forgotten about writing about the visit from the Bishop.
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Nov 22, 2002
You haven't been negligent! At least *you* have an excuse!
I hope things are straightened out with your kitchen.
I didn't realize that psoriasis is related to arthritis. Is it the skin condition of psoriasis? I have that, and wonder if it's something that leads to arthritis? Is it?
This weekend I'm going to be very busy. My sociology professor has informed us that we have to have all our assignments in before Thanksgiving. This means I have 4 of them to do this weekend. Class doesn't end until December 19, so I'm not sure why she wants them so early. I got the information secondhand, because I didn't go to class last Tuesday. I hurt my back, and didn't want to have to sit through class and then work. It's better now, and I'm very grateful to have only strained it.
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. TJ and I are having my parents and my sister and her husband over. It'll be tight, but it should be nice.
I hope you are feeling better, and that things are coming together in your home.
Take care,
Also ran 1 Posted Dec 7, 2002
Hi my dear sweet friend
I did reply to that letter about your sociology assignments and thought that I had not posted it and I had not!!. I majored in Sociology and did the Sociology of Law for my Masters degree. Fascinating in South Africa.!!
Psoriatic arthritis is really psoriasis in the joints. It never manifested itself in my hands until I came to England (where there is little sun) There is a wonderful organisation called the National |Psoriasis Foundation of America and they have given me so much help and advice. Also they have a web site but it is going to be difficult to chat to them because of the time difference. It does not mean that if you have psoriasis of the skin that you are DEFINITELY going to get Ps A.(the abbreviation for my type)/ It is an auto-immune illness and was only identified as a different sort of arthritis about ten years ago. As I have had it since I was 30 it has taken a firm hold of my joints ligaments and cartilage.
We had such a lovely day in France and I am determined that in the New Year I shall go at least once a month. How did your Thanksgiving go. I bet it was a wonderful success. Will you be spending Christmas with your family. You have, my dear, a splendid husband who drives you to work when it "snows". Hoorah for TJ. I have asked you in another posting if you will lend him to me.!!. I shall be having a few of my friends who cannot cope with life for Christmas. But fortunately this year I think that my darling Australian granddaughter will be here to give me a hand. Also the kitchen is nearly finished. I now have to empty the sitting rtoom where we storedf all the kitched things!!
I must end. I send you very much and affection and salaams to your darling husband. AR1
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Dec 9, 2002
Hi AR1! I'm very glad to see you online again!
You majored in Sociology? I took it as an elective course. I needed a Social Science credit, and thought Sociology would be interesting. I have to admit I've had difficulty with it. Not that I don't understand all the theories, but that the names sound so similar, and my poor artist brain has a difficult time remembering them! They cancelled school on the day of our last test because of snow, and I assume we'll be having the test on Tuesday. I was a bit upset, because I was all prepared, and now have to do it all over again! We were told that if we had a 90% average over our 4 tests that we were exempt from the final exam. I only need to get an 80% to get a 90% average, so I'm not too worried about getting the exemption!
It's nice to know that all my skin problems won't manifest themselves as arthritis later on, although I think I've got a touch of arthritis in my hips already. My mother always had a problem with her hips, and mine has started at just the same age as hers! We seem to inherit all the good things from our parents.
Our Thanksgiving turned out wonderful! It was a little tight, but the table with all our lovely new dinnerware and crystal looked terrific, and all the food came out perfectly! I was very busy, so I didn't get as much of a chance to visit with my parents, sister and brother-in-law as I would have liked, but it was lovely just the same! Luckily TJ loves to cook too, and I had lots of help in the kitchen.
I only have one day off from Christmas, but TJ and I are driving out on Long Island to be with my family. My parents live out there, and all my siblings will be going too. In the new year, when TJ and I get all our new vacation time, we're going to drive to Ohio to spend some post-Christmas time with his family. We're going on the Saturday after New Year's, and will be staying for a week. I'm so excited about our first Christmas together! Next weekend, TJ and I are going to get our Christmas tree, and TJ wants to cut one down himself! It should be a lot of fun!
TJ actually *likes* driving in the snow! He has a pickup truck, and had a grand time driving me there and back! I'm very lucky, as I hate driving in the snow, and I have a small, plastic car that isn't too good in a deep snow!
I will only lend TJ to you if I can come along for a visit too!
I'm glad you will have your kitchen ready for Christmas! Especially if you're having people over! I hope your day is wonderful! I shall pray for your friends who are having difficulty coping with the holidays, as I always pray for you, my friend.
Take care of yourself!
Also ran 1 Posted Dec 15, 2002
Very dear Shea
Found!! Thank you for the lovely long letter. Your Thanksgiving table must have looked wonderful. And congratulations on the cooking. It is just so wonderful that the two of you have found one another. A real story of true love. And you appear to complement one another perfectly.
Your Christmas sounds great and then your break in Ohio.Something nice to look forward to in 2003.
Thank goodness my hands seem to be in remission today. I just hope that it will last. I has really been very stressful and very challenging. I have been in overdrive with my prayers. I feel that it practically has a freezing effect on me to repeat my favourite prayers over and over!!.
My son is returning to New York with his wife and I shall be emailing you his address and name. It would be great for the four of you to meet - if you all have the time!!. Life seems to be so busy in the states.
I have had a very strange week. I want to write about it in the journal as in many ways it has challenged the last five years of my life very seriously. But I am optimistic about it for some strange reason.
I wrote to all my family last night but sadly did not manage to get any of the letters off. I do not know why. I am not very good at doing things like sending round robins.
Fond to you both and keep well. AR1
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Dec 18, 2002
Hi there, AR1
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I got a new computer at work, and it's been havoc trying to get the bugs out! This is the first chance I've had in a few days!
You're right that it's wonderful that TJ and I found each other. We wonder at it all the time. I'm very grateful, and I hope the wonder and joy we find just being in each other's arms lasts forever.
I'm glad your hand felt better. I hope it stays that way. I've been praying for you, and will continue to do so. Sadly, there are more and more people I have to add to my list. So many people need healing.
Life certainly has been busy lately! I'm hoping it will slow down a bit in the new year. Thanks for sending me your son's address. Does he have email? I'd be happy to email him.
I still have a lot of work to do. I have some shopping left for Christmas, but I still haven't started my cards! I'm running out of time!
Take care of yourself!
Also ran 1 Posted Feb 6, 2003
Very dear Shea
I feel very abandoned - but I see that it is I who did not reply to your super email. It makes me realise that I have been in a tizz-wazz for longer than I thought. Did you get my email.? I thought that the spiritual bouquet was such a super idea.
I hope that you are both very happy. Did you go away on holiday? Your poor Fan Club was lost without you!. My son returns next week, thank goodness, so will hopefully be able to take over some of the burden.
It woudl be great to hear from you if you have the time.
A fond to you both.
Shea the Sarcastic Posted Feb 7, 2003
I got your wonderful email, but have been very busy at home lately. I'm planning on answering it in full this weekend. TJ has to spend the time doing the paperwork for his business taxes, so I'm going to have a few hours free this weekend. I also have a picture to draw, and a bunch of phonecalls to make. I really thought once school was over for me, I'd have lots of free time. Alas, no.
I'll write much more to you this weekend! Take care of yourself!
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- 21: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 9, 2002)
- 22: Also ran 1 (Nov 9, 2002)
- 23: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 11, 2002)
- 24: Also ran 1 (Nov 12, 2002)
- 25: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 13, 2002)
- 26: Also ran 1 (Nov 22, 2002)
- 27: Shea the Sarcastic (Nov 22, 2002)
- 28: Also ran 1 (Dec 7, 2002)
- 29: Shea the Sarcastic (Dec 9, 2002)
- 30: Also ran 1 (Dec 15, 2002)
- 31: Shea the Sarcastic (Dec 18, 2002)
- 32: Also ran 1 (Feb 6, 2003)
- 33: Shea the Sarcastic (Feb 7, 2003)
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