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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2003



and amy p. stop asking if "i'm back"


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Latest reply: Jul 17, 2003

all of it

becomes rolled in one.


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Latest reply: Feb 22, 2003

My Recent Happenings

I already wrote about all of this at my Xanga site ( and would just copy-paste it here, however I am at a computer that has xanga *filtered* due to it's distractive qualities to us employees who should only use the internet for productive purposes *cough* and haven't discovered h2g2 yet. ANYWAY I'll just give a brief overview of the past week.

Sunday: I went to church. I was excited because Sunday was the day of the h2g2 NE USA meet. I would have skipped church entirely, however, my sister was getting baptized and I couldn't miss that (thankfully it happened in the morning... baptisms at my church take place in the afternoon, usually). After she was baptized, I jumped into my mom's car. I decided to make a stop by home before going to the meet so I could pick up my guitar and cd player. However, as I was taking one of the turns onto my road, a cup of milk on the front seat (I thought it was empty) tipped over, and proved that it was NOT empty. I watched horrified as milk sploshed onto the seat. Then, when I look back at the road, I find my mom's car speeding toward a roadsign. I quick turn the steering wheel to try and advoid it, but end up ramming into it, anyway.

Well, fast forward a few minutes and I'm at home, the car ok, but a tad shaken up. I quick grap the cd player and cds, then hop back in the car to go to Longs Park for the meet. I get there and run into everyone. I had a lot of fun. Got to meet Amy Pawloski (did I spell that right? haha)... Tacsatduck... Shea and TJ... Alexandra Marie Chaser... Me, myself, and I (aka Id)... Paul... and others (who's name's I can't think of off hand). Afterword, several of us went to the Lady Scott house and hung out talking. All in all a good (and productive) day.

Then, for the rest of the week, I've basically just worked. Tuesday I hung out with some other internet friends (from another message board), and will use that to hopefully soften up my parents to the fact that not everyone online are axe murderers, on the off chance I tell them I've fallen in love with someone I met online.



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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2002

short but sweet.

i can smile your direction... but do you notice?
I can close my eyes and see you... do you feel the same?
if i'd ask you out... are you game?
or will you completely give me the diss?
as i lean in for the first kiss?
me will you want to maim?
my innocence... put in a frame?
but if i go... me can you miss?
oh the trial of life
how can i survive it
with love on my heart
life is but full of strife
for her am i fit
into my heart... a love dart.


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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2002

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