On the Goddess of Cute

Known by many names, the Goddess of Cute is a most fastidious creature. Always well dressed, and usually smiling, she is outwardly kind to all she meets, and a common greeting from her is an offering of home-baked goodies.

Beware, though, for though she is hard to truly anger, the Cute One is quite sensitive about certain subjects, and when she is moved to tears, Very Bad Things are apt to happen.

It is quite simple to please the Goddess of Cute, on the other hand. Simply partake of her baked goods, and compliment her on her cooking, Cute-ness, and her sharp mind, and you will have no reason to fear this creature, which is gentled by such actions.

Other names the Goddess of Cute is known by: abcbMadoka, Mado, Hana, Hanako-Hime, Kaii, Kae-him, Kae, Kae-Kae, The Cute One, Her Cute-ness, Ma'am, the Countess of Cute, the Queen of Cute, Princess, Mortal Seamstress (where this one comes from, no one knows), Iron Chef Cute, and Hotstuff (the author would like to let it be known that this last name is apt to provoke a violent reaction from the Goddess of Cute, resulting in loss of life or limb.)

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abcbMadoka (Goddess of Cute)

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