This is the Message Centre for Hullabaloo's Fan Club

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 1

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

Hi I'm spelugx (just call me 'x' easier to spell (thanks Irving)).
Welcome to H2G2. I'm am Assistant Community Editor (ACE) and I'm a sort of official greeter. I hope you find lots of interesting things around this site. To help you get started go and have a look at our newspaper (, especially the links page where you can find all the groups and meetings places.
Personnally I like to hang out in the Aroma Café where anyone is welcome (

If you have any questions just reply and I try and sort them out for you smiley - smiley.

Skip the boilerplate.....

x - a *friendly* person smiley - silly

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 2

Hullabaloo's Fan Club

Hiya x. Nice of you to drop by smiley - smiley I've had a look at the newspaper(less) and found Hullabaloo there too. I have one question for you: would you like to join the club? If you have a look at Hull's poetry (another one should appear in the Post tomorrow (Thursday)) I think you'll have to agree that it doesn't get any more vogon than that!

I'll try to skip the boilerplate if you really think that's a good idea but I'll probably injure myself. Here goes ... ... ... ouch! Told you sosmiley - injured

Sal smiley - smiley

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 3


Hi smiley - winkeye

As the editor responsible for bringing Hull's poetry to the masses I feel duty bound to join this auspicious club...
Ok, cutting through the rhetoric... sign me up! I am a great fan! smiley - biggrin

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 4

Hullabaloo's Fan Club

Hi Shazz and WELCOME to the club! Your name/link has now been added to the fan club page - thereby doubling the membership and making the page twice as nice 8) We're very pleased to have you and Hull will be cockahoop.

Congratulations on a great newspaper by the way. It must be hard work but very satisfying.

Sal smiley - smiley

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 5


smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerup

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 6

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

O Worthy and Superior Shazzsmiley - magic

smiley - rose

I'm deeply honoured to welcome you to my humble fan clubsmiley - ok. In fact I'm cockahoop to have such a respected member of the Refined and Respectable Superior classes of H2G2 willing to condescend from her elevated social position and recognise the work of a poor poetic genius like myselfsmiley - blush This speaks of tastesmiley - cool as well as a good upbringingsmiley - cheers - and perhaps a touch of vogonity somewhere?smiley - aliensmile. In short, as I believe young people of today say, you're now in the club. Welcome again, and thrice welcome! smiley - rose

Your humble servant,smiley - rose

Hullabaloo, (Poet and Tragedian)smiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 7


Why thank you Hull smiley - hug

Perhaps I can commision a scribbling from your elegant pen for myself sometime... it's not often one can ask a talented smiley - artist to immortalise oneself! smiley - rose

Maybe an ode to smiley - chocsmiley - sheep which I seem to have attracted to me since the Dutch Meet? I am getting ewest to them now and they would all be baa-lihooped to be mentioned in print. smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 8

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Fair Lady,

Is that smiley - chocsmiley - sheep as in chocolate and sheep or as in chocolate sheep?


Hulabaloo, (Poet and Tragedian)smiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 9


smiley - chocsmiley - sheep as in chocolate sheep smiley - smiley

They have taken a shine to me for some reason... they are so pretty and look good enough to eat! smiley - winkeye

They are, however, chocolate coloured rather than composed of smiley - choc

I believe that Lighthousegirl has attracted some smiley - cappuccinosmiley - sheep... cappacchino-coloured sheep! smiley - smiley

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 10

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Shazzsmiley - magic -

My goodness, what can it all meansmiley - huh

Hullsmiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 11


Maybe your vogon poetry can uncover the secret! smiley - biggrin

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 12

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Fair member of the h2g2 aristocracy and discerning classessmiley - smiley

We shall see. Unfortunately even such an exalted personage as your gentle selfsmiley - magic may have to wait, since I have no room at present on the top page of My humble Space and already I owe a poem to Beth, muse of my endeavours in the bowels of literature.

I shall also need to await Inspiration, of course.

But fear not, fair maidsmiley - rose, now that you're well and truly in the club an ode will be wingingsmiley - rocket your way as soon as Heavensmiley - angel allows.

Humbly yet Graciouslysmiley - rose

Hullabaloo, Poet and Tragediansmiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 13


Fear not, gifted Hullabaloo smiley - smiley

I am a very patient person... even though my Pentium Processor 3 blew up yesterday one year and two weeks after purchase of same! smiley - grr

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 14

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Greetings Shazz Of The Many Emoticonssmiley - chocsmiley - sheepsmiley - magic

What on earth were you doing to your poor P3, (as I believe young persons of today refer to it as)? Did the Fan break down? Art thou angling for a new computer for Christmas?

Hullabaloo, (Poet and Tragedian)smiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 15


I believe that it was the fan indeed!

Methinks that there will be a roaring and gnashing of teeth at a certain store here later today...

Meanwhile, I have most of my database transferred to the other computer in the network... handy having two compies eh? smiley - winkeye

I think that I may well write my editorial based on these experiences... froma purely (almost) computer illiterate point of view, naturally!

I limited the emoticons to one this time... restrained or what!?

smiley - chocsmiley - sheep
shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 16

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

smiley - choc+smiley - sheep+smiley - magic =1??

Thou know'st that thou should have get an AMD Athlon system anyway, dost thou not?

Give 'em Hellsmiley - grr


Hullabaloosmiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 17

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

'should have get' being a Postmodernist touch...emphasising the inescapable ambiguity of propositional discourse...smiley - erm...

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 18

Post Team

smiley - laugh

One in my actual posting Hull smiley - ok

My monicker doesn't count!

Anyway... I've offloaded the smiley - chocsmiley - sheep now!
Just got to find time to put the rest of the Meet pictures up sometime smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 19

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Shazzsmiley - magic

I've dun yore pome. Have a look at me home site.


Hullabaloo (Romantic Poet and Tragedian) smiley - artist

Welcome Fans of Hullabaloo

Post 20


My own Vogon Poetry... and so complimentary. smiley - blush

That is wonderful Hull smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

I shall copy it and pin it up on my 'office' wall smiley - biggrin

Now see what you've done! Emoticons breaking out all over the place!

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerupsmiley - ok

shazz smiley - magic

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