This is the Message Centre for Tath


Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

1. Name three things you've never done that you hope never to have to do.

2. Name three pairs of shoes you wish you hadn't bought.

3. Name three people you wish had never been born.

4. When was the first time you went out in public and completely forgot where it was you were going or why you left the house?

5. Name three separate occasions on which you did something stupid with a householed appliance long after the point when you were sure you knew what you were doing.

6. Use three adjectives in a sentence that would seem not to require any at all.

7. What would you do if your computer suddenly broke?


Post 2


1. Name three things you've never done that you hope never to have to do.

1. Break my leg 2. Be surrounded by leeches 3. Loose my teeth

2. Name three pairs of shoes you wish you hadn't bought.

1. Tootsies (they were supposed to be comfortable, they were not) 2. Boots from Esprit (thought they were nice looking, they were not) 3. Kenneth Cole Healed shoes (wore them a couple of times, not really my style).

3. Name three people you wish had never been born.

1. Rita DiMichelle 2. Her parents (which count as the other 2)

4. When was the first time you went out in public and completely forgot where it was you were going or why you left
the house?

I do that all the time. I guess when I was in University & working part-time, I could never remember whether I was coming or going.

5. Name three separate occasions on which you did something stupid with a householed appliance long after the
point when you were sure you knew what you were doing.

1. Knife (keep cutting or stabbing myself) 2. Hand held Cheese grater (can never remember which way to hold it to grate properly) 3. Mixer (always take it out before I turn it off, then splatter myself. As you can see I am not a culinary genious!).

6. Use three adjectives in a sentence that would seem not to require any at all.

Is this some kind of test? I can't remember what an adjective is. You use three adjectives.

7. What would you do if your computer suddenly broke?

Call for someone to fix it.


Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Okay now?

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