This is the Message Centre for Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Oh deer! Rampant hugs on the loose!

Post 1301

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Hello dear people (or should I say deer?).
It's been a busy period when the person who is special to me came over for a visit and we spent as much time together as we could.
She has returned home and this is my time for adjusting to her absence but rest assured that normal smiley - sillyness will resume even if it is for a brief period.
I leave for a two week festival at Manjushri on Friday
so I'm busy getting my camping stuff together. Everything was put in a safe place, the trouble is it's so safe I can't find it.
smiley - hug to everyone.
smiley - vampire

Oh deer! Rampant hugs on the loose!

Post 1302

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Sounds kinda cool MrD, must go find out what it is really...

Oh deer! Rampant hugs on the loose!

Post 1303

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - winkeye YAY!!! smiley - winkeye

Oh deer! Rampant hugs on the loose!

Post 1304

Fluffy Pink Rabbit

Enjoy your spiritual voyage,
Mistadrong. smiley - smiley

smiley - bunny

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1305

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

I used to have a fluffy rabbit when I was very small, along with a whole host of other cuddly toys. I used to rotate who got the the top position which was centre of the pillow so that none of them felt left out at the edge of the bed. My all-time favourite was the duck made from corduroy with stitched down wings. I managed to cut the stitches and give him his freedom when I was about 10 so please be kind to any corduroy ducks you see, one might be mine.
smiley - vampire

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1306

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Awwww.... how cute!!! smiley - hug

I used to try very hard not to play favorites with my toys, too!!!!

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1307

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

*stops her car so that a family of corduroy ducks can cross the road*
smiley - bigeyes

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1308

Crazy Man

::Does not read the backlog smiley - tongueout and posts:: Hi Mistadrong, long time no hear, mate

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1309

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Well, now that the Count is back, maybe we can have a little "welcome home" party for him!

*gets several fondue pots out, melts white smiley - choc in one with a little Frangelica, and sets smiley - strawberry, orange slices and pineapple cubes around it for dipping. Melts cheese and wine in another pot (adds more wine. Mmmmm... adds another dash of wine), places various cut up veggies and bread cubes around it for dipping, and in the third she heats up a Thai peanut sauce, and places chicken and beef kabobs and spring rolls around it for dipping*

Places several bottles of wine and warm Saki around the room.

smiley - ok I think everything is ready! Come and get it! smiley - cheers

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1310

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde



I want to try saki... smiley - winkeye

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1311

Fluffy Pink Rabbit

Your rabbit sounds like a very special rabbit,
Mistadrong. smiley - smiley

I think I saw a corduroy duck sitting on the
bank, looking forlornly at a lake a few days ago.
Maybe he (she?) had forgotten how to swim? smiley - huh

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1312

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Maybe it never got to learn.... education's not free you know!!!

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1313

Fluffy Pink Rabbit


Is ignorance free, though?

One order of ignorance, with a side
of cole slaw.


I expect the corduroy duck was just
disoriented from going through the
spin cycle in the laundromat a few
times too many. smiley - smiley

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1314

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

*eats another roasted corduroy duck*

Oh deer! Rampant rugs on the loose!

Post 1315

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

My poor duck.smiley - wah
smiley - vampire

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1316

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - erm I don't remember making any roasted corduroy duck kabobs. But I'm sure they'll taste good with the spicy Thai peanut sauce! smiley - ok
*makes a mental note to look up a good sauce for roasted corduroy duck in the future*

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1317

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

*shoves a few smiley - choc covered orange slices in her mouth as she smiley - run out the door for work*

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1318

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

*carefully places a roasted corduroy duck in a baggy to take to work with her as lunch later*

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1319

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - cross You're all mean!!! You take back the cruelty towards corduroy ducks, or I'll send those of you who are muses to your rooms!!! smiley - cross

Come join the fondue party!

Post 1320

Fluffy Pink Rabbit

Erm, Dragonfly, I wasn't interested in the
roasted duck itself, but rather the spicy
Thai peanut sauce that Michele was making.

Michele is a great cook! smiley - biggrin

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Oh deer! Rampant hugs on the loose!

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