This is the Message Centre for Otter - Itinerant maggot drowner and guardian of the machine that goes BING!
Hi Otter
Catman do... aka clincher Started conversation Nov 24, 2001
I presume you are an otter fan, from your name, i've just read your page, very interesting. How are you finding the non smoking? I gave up 1 1/2 years ago but still get tempted, I'm trying to convince my wife to give up at present. Please write back. thanks, Clincher.
HI clincher!...
Otter - Itinerant maggot drowner and guardian of the machine that goes BING! Posted Nov 24, 2001
Thanks for dropping in. I started to cut down my smoking about three years ago, until I was only smoking about four or five a day. Then one day a friend of mine announced that she had given up smoking. As this friend was on forty a day, I decided that if she could do it, then so could I. I smoked my last five fags at a barbecue at the beginning of September and have't smoked since. I think the difference this time is that I really WANTED to give up. I had a few cravings right at the start, but now it's not a problem. I think that if you WANT something badly enough then you can do it. By the way, my wife gave up at the same time. Our flat smells a lot better now although we have friends that still smoke. I find that I can "just say no" when someone offers me a ciggy. Having also turned 40 at the beginning of the year I felt it was time to start looking after myself, and try to get fit again ( although I seem to have been eating rather a lot of " middle age spread" on my toast recently! ). The name Otter comes from my animal guide, as I am into shamanism in a big way. It is a fascinating subject and I would recommend that you try to read something about it. Most libraries have a comparitive religion section, and there should be something on shamanism in there somewhere. If not I will try to explain it to the best of my ability.
Once again thanks for visiting, hope to chat to you again soon. Otter.
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Hi Otter
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